It was 80 degrees here yesterday. I'm not rubbing it in. Okay I am just a little bit :) We hit the beach yesterday for a picnic and people watching. Check out our family pictures.

Harry playing in the sand. Little Harry that is.

Great Grandpa Harry playing in the sand :)

Grandma and Grandpa Archer. He swept her off her feet 34 years ago and he still has it.

Me and my hubby.

The "original" Archers

The siblings.
The "Girls."

Grandma and William playing in the water. She literally had to drag him out of the water.

Four generations of Archers.

My Archer family.

All of us.
Great Pictures! Can't believe the 80 degrees!!! Wow! In Great Grandpa's mind it is still winter no matter what the temp is outside!Ha! He did tell me he wasn't wearing his long underwear, although, he did bring it Just in Case! Ha! It is sunny and 40 in Denver today, however, I've heard Missouri is still in the single digits and won't be above freezing for a while. You all looked like models in the beach photos! Have fun! Love,Uncle David and Aunt Loralyn
Glad you guys had soo much fun! WOW i bet they don't want to go back to MO weather! Too funny Uncle Harry is out on the beach! Your date night looked like a lot of fun's good to take advantage of babysitters! :)
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