I'm not one to make New Years resolutions because honestly I probably wouldn't keep it. But I think I picked one I can achieve. My New Years resolution is to be in better shape by summer than I was last summer. I was in good shape last summer but I would just like to be better. Besides my daily walks with Belle and the boys, 3 day work out at the gym and 2 days at Cardio Barre, I am taking a dance class on Tuesday nights starting tomorrow. I am pretty excited about it. I will be one step closer to becoming a back up dancer-ha. And I think I talked Kelly (Scott's sister) into running a half marathon with me so we have training for that. And I really need to find a job. I haven't been looking az seriously since Scott was off of work because we were always doing something. We really took advantage of his time off. I really think I need to expand my search too. Not just looking for a bartending gig anymore. I need to find anything that entails part-time evenings and weekends. Sigh.
The Archers left Sunday morning. Saturday we took a drive through the citrus trees and mountains of Fillmore. It was a beautiful drive. Afterwards, us girls spent the day at the outlet mall to come home to a nice family dinner. It was a very nice visit. Now I think we are all facing going back to reality with all the holidays and visits over-sad :(
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