My mistake...I gave the boys a cupcake:
Can you tell it was red velvet :)
The petting zoo was the all time favorite. We spent a LONG time in there. It was very entertaining. Both boys had to hug and kiss every animal. Harrison counted them. Well he can't count yet but that is what you would think he was doing since he was going around to every animal and touching them and moving on. Like a game of duck, duck, goose.
When it was time to leave, Harrison had to say "bu bye" to every animal.
My one complaint was the gamers or carnies. Luck was definitely on our side. We landed 5 balls in the little cups so we got to chose a few prizes for the boys (stuffed bees and frogs). That was nice. William and Harrison both love basketball so Scott decided to play one of the basketball games. If you make the basket, you get a basketball. So Scott bought two plays (one for each boy). As luck had it, he made BOTH shots. The carnies were impressed but mad. They only let him have one prize! Scott argued with him. Finally the guy said, "ok you are right." So Scott picked out two balls. Then to top it off, the carnie took one away and said, "no, only one or you can have a big blow up ball instead." Of-course I jumped in and explained how rude the guy was being and that is was ridiculous to pay for a game and not get the prize if you win. Anyway, we ended up walking away mad and with only one prize. I'm still a little upset. The boys will just have to share...if that's possible. 
It was a good day. Fun had by all. And the boys are sleeping good now:)
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