This weekend was just great! Friday night Scott and I enjoyed some ice cream while watching Marley and Me. I haven't cried that hard for a while. I was seriously sobbing. Saturday was a big day. Scott and Harrison went to the March of Dimes walk in L.A. sponsored by Farmer's Insurance Group (that's why you will see Harrison wearing a Farmers t-shirt). Then they rushed home for the big event. Thomas the Train tank made his way into Fillmore, CA so we had to go meet him. Both boys were super ecstatic. Plus Harrison got to ride his first train.
We spent some time there eating lunch, visiting the Isle of Sodor, riding Thomas, etc.
I must brag on William because potty training has had its good days and its stubborn days. While we were visiting Thomas, William had to go potty. I was nervous because he has never peed on an actual toilet just his little training one. Well he did it. I was so proud. And to top it off, he stayed dry the entire day. Now he refuses to go in his diaper. After our visit to see Thomas, we went home for naps. Last night we went out to eat at a family pizza and pasta restaurant. The boys were sent home with balloons. This morning was exciting. The boys and I headed out early to cheer on the runners at the Gator Run in Simi Valley. My favorite runner..
Again, I am so proud! Afterwards we rushed home to get ready for church and the rest of the day was typical (lunch, naps, park, etc). All in all, it was a fabulous weekend. I have to admit I am nervous about tomorrow. I know it is just a short procedure/surgery but I am scared of being put under and then the pain I get to feel for the following two weeks. So wish me luck.
That would be so fun to ride Thomas the Train! That's great that the boys got to do that! :)
Good luck today -- I hope it's not painful for you at all, I'll be thinking about ya.
Brady would love seeing Thomas! He doesn't watch the show, but has a Thomas train set that we we have to play with ALL the time! :) I bet your boys had a blast!
Good luck with your procedure today... I'll be thinking about you also!
How fun! You guys are such a cute family! Hope you are feeling better today from your surgery!
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