Today was a interesting day to say the least. It started out great. Both boys wanted to cuddle up with me and rock in the rocking chair for a long time this morning. We rocked and then after a while went to feed the fish. They both sat in my lap for a while just gazing at the fish. This was one of my favorite moments of the day. I love that both of my boys are cuddle bugs. After the gym I decided to take them to the Thomas the Train store. They played with the display train set but when it was time to leave, I experienced the worst moment of the day. William threw a tantrum like I have never seen before and hope not to see in the future. He threw himself on the floor and started screaming and crying. I couldn't get him up. I was so embarrassed. When I tried picking him up, he would arch his back. So the owner of the store held the door open for me as I carried Harrison on one hip and drug William out by his arm. It didn't end there. I tried everything with him from being super nice to being stern. I could not get him in his car seat. I struggled with him for another 20 minutes in the parking lot. Finally I used all of my strength to pin him down to get him in the car seat. There was a point that I didn't know what I was going to do to get him home. This tantrum lasted a good 30 minutes. After throwing his shoes and socks off in the truck, he finally calmed down but another tantrum came as soon as we got home. I needed a nap after lunch!!! I really hope this is not the start of the terrible twos. I never experienced anything like this and felt lost for what to do. Any advice?
He was fine after nap time. Checking in on Harrison at nap time gave me another favorite moment of the day.

How cute is his little butt? I don't know what happened but somehow he wiggled his way out of his diaper. Yes I had to change the sheets and give him a bath right when he woke up. Ha
Our evening went much better with a walk, talking to Nana and Paw pa Payne on the web cam and dinnertime. But I have to say, today I am worn out!
1 comment:
That picture of Harrison is too funny! And I feel you on the terrible twos... Brady only wants what Brady wants ALL the time! I've had to pin him in the carseat several times... not fun.
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