For those of you that did not receive our holiday letter, I thought I would post it for you. Sorry if you didn't get one as I probably didn't have your address. Please send me your address and you will be sure to be on next years list.
Didn't I just write one of these? I can't believe another year has passed by. Eventful doesn't even begin to describe the year that we have had. To start off, William celebrated his first birthday in January. He is growing so fast. Ten days later, our second son was born. Harrison Prescott Archer was born at 11:54am on January 27th weighing in at 7lbs 6 oz and 19 inches long. Life with two young babies is always busy but very rewarding.
In March, I was laid off by Indymac. It was a blessing in disguise because we wanted me to stay home with the kids. In April, Scott was promoted to the University of Farmers. He had to move out to Southern California right away. The kids and I stayed behind in Utah until we could close on our new house. Two months of living apart was probably one of the hardest things we had to experience. All I know is that if we move again, we will not try that again. We became a family living together again in July. Good-bye mountains of Utah, Welcome Sunny California. Since we have been here, we have enjoyed the nice weather by visiting the beaches, piers, zoos, etc. The weather is absolutely beautiful and it is funny to not have to wear a sweater in the month of December (we have since I wrote this). We experienced our first California earthquake the first month we lived here. We also were evacuated from our house during the Sesnon wildfire. Our house was fine but the air quality was miserable. We haven't run into any rattlesnakes yet but we have seen our fair share of reptiles and black widows.
In August, Scott and I were able to take a vacation to Mexico without the boys. It was a nice getaway and the boys enjoyed spending time with the grandparents. In September, we experienced the hardest thing we have ever had to go through. William spilled a cup of hot coffee on him and suffered second and third degree burns on his face, neck and chest. There were a few weeks of visits in and out of the Grossman Burn Center (#1 burn center in the country) but he is recovering just fine.
Harrison is quite the energetic little boy. He never sleeps and he drinks very little. It is probably one of two reasons. He has to keep up with big brother Will and he has constant ear infections. Harrison is quite determined to do whatever his brother is doing hence why he started walking at 10 months. William is the dare devil of the house. He has already gotten his first set of stitches and I just know a broken bone will come soon from all of the jumping. The hospital seriously knows him by name. I have had health problems this year but am doing well now. I am your typical stay at home mom and I love it. Scott is doing well too. He is working hard as always. We wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season and a great 2009.
The Archers
Scott, Jymme-Lyn, William, Harrison and Miss Belle
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