On another note, Harrison has yet another double ear infection. I feel so sorry for this little guy. He has only been off of antibiotics for three weeks since September!!!! He is constantly taking another round. His doctor was always putting off tubes since he was so little but she finally changed her mind. I am pretty sure this make his 14th ear infection! Yes 14! He doesn't know what it feels like to not feel pain. I am so excited for him to get tubes just so he can be happier. And maybe, just maybe I might get to sleep some more???? I am 29 years old and I think I have the darkest circles under my eyes. None of those eye creams help me and yet I think I have purchased every one of them in an attempt to make those circles go away. He has an appointment with an ENT next Thursday so lets hope we can get this surgery scheduled soon. They would like him to go two weeks without an infection but he hasn't done that in months so I don't know how they would handle the surgery. William also has an appointment with the same ENT because his pediatrician thinks one of his tubes may have fallen out. His right ear is so clogged with wax that she couldn't see anything. Poor guy.
On another note, William mimics everything I do and say. If I cough, he does. If I put my hand on my head so does he. Now I have to worry about everything I say. A few months ago, I was concerned with his speech development and now he can't stop talking. And now he disciplines Harrison. For example: There is one cabinet in our kitchen that doesn't have a safety latch on it. Tonight Harrison grab a pan out of there and started banging it on the floor. William came up to him, grab the pan and put it back into the cabinet. It didn't end there. Then he pulled Harrison away from the cabinet and pointed to it and said, "no baby no touch ."
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