I can't believe my baby is already 9 months old. He weighs 20 lbs 6 oz (41st percentile) and is 29 inches tall (67
th percentile). He has six teeth. He is a very fast crawler but he also likes to walk holding onto things to get around. His doctor was very impressed by how strong he is. It took 3 of us to hold him down to look at his ears. He can stand with no support. The kids legs are all muscle. He has a lot of coordination for a 9 month old.
Unfortunately he has ANOTHER ear infection. This makes #6 I believe and it isn't even cold outside. It looks like he will be getting tubes after Thanksgiving. He doesn't say any words yet but he does babble. He doesn't like to drink or sleep. If I had to guess what he was going to be when he gets older, I would put my money on a high powered CEO of a major corporation. Reason being is that he is always on the go and seriously DOES NOT SLEEP. He has so much energy. I really thought something was wrong with him. Usually if a kid misses a nap, they soon crash. Nope, not Harrison. He can go off of very little sleep (less than me). I have read every book and have tried everything but he doesn't like to nap or sleep at night. His doctor said some children are energetic (stubborn) and do not need the sleep an average child does. I guess Will spoils us because he is such a good sleeper. I am still waiting for Harrison to sleep through the night. No, he doesn't wake up to eat. He wakes up to play so he is up for hours on end at night. Harrison has slept through the night two times since we lived in California and ironically those two nights are the nights William had nightmares and is up all night. He is a very happy baby and has to be moving all of the time. My hands are full with two mobile kids. He admires his big brother and wants to be doing everything he is.

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