William is doing better each and every day. We are so happy. He has reverted back to wanting baby things but we are
ok with that as long as he feels good. He has to have his pacifier all day long and he was only eating baby food. He wouldn't eat anything for a few days but our good friend
Audrea sent a fruit basket for William and he went to town. Since then he has been eating baby food for each meal. Today he did eat regular food so he is coming back around. You can see by the top picture that daddy bought William a new present. He has a new tricycle with S
piderman safety gear. He can't go out in the day but he had a fun time riding it through the neighborhood after the sun went down.
Harrison is sick. He hasn't been drinking hardly anything for a few days. And of-course he wouldn't sleep. I was getting worried about him getting dehydrated so I took him to the doctor today. He has a
roseola viral infection, a double ear infection and is cutting more teeth. Poor
lil Harry bug. We have decided to change his nickname to "Crash." He loves to crash into everything and everyone with his walker. And since he mastered crawling, he thinks he should be able to walk. He pulls up on everything.
Things are getting back to normal around the Archer household although we are going to miss Grandma come Friday. :(
I love the pics! It's good to see Will looking so happy. We can't wait to see you guys in a few days!
Soo glad William is doing better! That new tricycle looks like fun! Hope Harrison gets to feeling better as well! We will continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers! Love, Aunt Loralyn and Uncle David
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