Ahh to see a smile out of William again is such a beautiful thing. It took him a few days but now he is running and playing again. He still hurts and wants to be held a lot but he is more active now. Last night was a rough night. He slept with us most of the night and cried. He kept scratching at his chest. His doctor said that was good though. It means it is itching and healing. We went back into the burn unit today. We heard great news. They said his face looks fantastic and that we were doing a great job at cleaning it and keeping the ointment on. It should heal just fine. As for his neck and chest, it is doing well too. The shield is doing a great job. I think I wrote in my last post about it but it has silicone and silver in it that helps promote the healing process. It is working better than they thought. So today they said they wanted to wait a little bit longer and see if a new shield would help it heal more. So he got bandaged up again and we couldn't be happier to hear "lets wait." He goes back on Monday. There is still concern for the area that has white spots in it. Those areas are the deepest. If they do not look better by Monday, he will be scheduled for surgery Tuesday and again on Friday. Tuesday, they will either sand down the skin or sliced the skin down to an area where there are healthy skin cells. Then they would add cadaver skin on top to help stimulate the new skin cells. Then bandage him up again. Then he would go back on Friday for his own skin graphing. They would take skin from William's scalp to put on his chest. Taking it from his scalp allows new hair to grow over where they take it and you wouldn't be able to tell in the future. Again, our fingers are crossed and we are praying for no surgery and for God to heal him naturally.
The power of prayer is truly amazing and he is doing so well and healing great. As you can tell by his pictures, he is healing very well. I took these before they bandaged him back up so he wasn't very happy at that moment. He is such a trooper! You can kind of see the white spots if you look closely.

Thank you for your continued prayers for William. I will update you on Monday.
Scott and Jymme-Lyn, just heard about William and his accident. We certainly are praying with you that he will fully recover. It's always tough to see little one's in pain but your blog indicates that things are going well. We will keep thinking of you.
Mike & Sophie
Hi Cousin Scott and Jymme-Lyn, my Dad sent me the link to your blog. I am so, so, sorry about William. We are certainly praying for him in Nebraska, though I must say that he is quite a cute and resiliant little boy! Jymme-Lyn your comments about crying when you were writing literally brought tears to my eyes. I can only imagine your week...I'm glad Nita is there to help you. You are a strong couple, and bearing a heavy load right now. I have no doubt you will remain strong for your family. We are thinking about your family and babies!
Stephanie (Purdy) & Gregg Kuenning
Lincoln, NE
Hi Scott& Jymme,
We just heard about Willian yesterday & are so sorry for all you've been through this past week. It's so wonderful to see him smiling.....he looks like a tough little boy & we're praying for a rapid recovery. We heard Nita is out there.....a grandma's love always helps too.
Sophie & Mike
I am so sorry. That doesn't really do anything but know that our love and prayers are with you too. Keep us posted on his progress--he's getting so big and even more adorable every day.
Glad to hear William is feeling somewhat better, although, has a long road ahead. We will pray that no surgery is required and he can heal naturally. The pictures look painful-ouch!I'm sure it was wonderful to have Nita fly out to help!We will continue to keep William and the Archer family in our thoughts and prayers!Love you all! Aunt Loralyn and Uncle David
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