Well yesterday was my birthday. Yes, 9/11 for those of you that didn't know. And it has more meaning than just being my birthday or 9/11 for me. I received my middle name, Sophia, from my grandmother who died on 9/11 10 years before my birthday (wierd, huh?). Just a little tid bit of information on me :) Anyway, it was a good day yesterday. We had our typical day with breakfast and then going to the gym followed by lunch. What was really nice is that both boys decided to take a nap at the same time yesterday so I got to take a nap. That is big!!!! Great present from my boys. Scott brought home dinner from an Italian restaurant. William and Harrison helped decorate my birthday cake (hence the handprints in it) :)

Afterwards the boys helped me open up presents. All I asked for was a Swiffer wet jet. Yes, that must be a sign of getting older when you ask for a mop. Of-course Scott pulled through and made that birthday wish come true. I also recieved a pair of pjs. I am obsessed with pajamas. And some work out clothes. No Scott doesn't think I am fat. He knows I like to work out. Then he sent me on a scavenger hunt around the house which was fun. With each clue was a present for Saturday. Saturday is going to be so nice. We are starting the day with breakfast at this cute little restaurant by our house. Then I am off to the spa for a day of beauty. Seriously the WHOLE day. I am so excited. I probable won't have time but there was a gift certificate to the mall and the last present is a nice dinner with a babysitter for the night! Woo hoo.

Just playing with my camera but I took a fun little picture of one of my flowers.
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