Last weekend, the boys had a birthday party to attend for their good friend, Leah. The boys absolutely love Leah and this summer they played together almost every night. She had her birthday party at a place called, “Scooter’s Jungle” and it was a lot of fun. Scott even said, “I want to have my birthday here!” Ha.
Here are some fun pictures of the night.
Harry even talked Nana into going down a slide with him.
Most of the littles didn’t want to go down the big slide by themselves. But as adults, we all got a work out because as soon as you were at the bottom, they were requesting to do it again. And they do not get tired!
Here we are with the birthday girl. Isn’t her expression just the cutest?!
Then you have William who had no fear and went down the slide by himself face first!
Alright for those of you that never believe me that Jamie Foxx’s daughter lives across the street, here is the proof :) You know I couldn’t just ask for a picture because I feel he has to go through that all the time and this was a family affair so I am not going to ask. But my mom got a kick out of him coming up to her to introduce himself and shake her hand :) Here he is standing next to Scott (you can click on the picture to enlarge it).
And with his daughter (Leah’s big sister)
And the birthday girl herself.
I love Harry’s expression as he makes new friends.
It was a really fun time. And Harry keeps asking, “when can we go back to Leah’s party?” lol
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