Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
I absolutely love Thanksgiving. I am very blessed with all that I am given. I am so happy that my mom was here to spend Thanksgiving with us this year. I think it has been 7 years since we had Thanksgiving together. But the day after Thanksgiving is so fun for me as well. And no, that is not because I am one of the hard core shoppers to go all out on black Friday. I prefer to get all my Christmas shopping done before Thanksgiving so I don’t have to go to any store (other than the grocery store) until after Jan. 1st. I am a very impatient person so crowded parking lots and long lines aren’t my thing :) But decorating the house IS my thing :)
And this year was great because the boys were so super excited to help. So we turned on the Christmas music, put our hats on and got to work. We let them decorate the tree. They were so proud of the finished tree. And I am so proud of them.
Here is a little bit of what is around the house: Advent Calendars, Ornaments and snowflake towels
Yearly pictures with Santa (this year yet to be taken but the frame has been purchased)
Still hard at work hanging window clings
The finished tree with all the wrapped presents already under the tree.
The boys were so excited to find out that Scott already bought their Christmas outfits so they insisted they had to try them on :)
And William wanted to take a picture of us in our “I believe” Santa shirts. I got to say, the kid takes good pictures :)
The best part is that William and Harrison were so excited about decorating the inside that they overlooked Scott was outside setting up the lights and such. So when we went outside Harry said, “Is Christmas here? Wow!”
I think it is going to be a very fun Christmas this year with the boys understanding more and more.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Fun Birthday Party at Scooter’s Jungle (and celebrities)
Last weekend, the boys had a birthday party to attend for their good friend, Leah. The boys absolutely love Leah and this summer they played together almost every night. She had her birthday party at a place called, “Scooter’s Jungle” and it was a lot of fun. Scott even said, “I want to have my birthday here!” Ha.
Here are some fun pictures of the night.
Harry even talked Nana into going down a slide with him.
Most of the littles didn’t want to go down the big slide by themselves. But as adults, we all got a work out because as soon as you were at the bottom, they were requesting to do it again. And they do not get tired!
Here we are with the birthday girl. Isn’t her expression just the cutest?!
Then you have William who had no fear and went down the slide by himself face first!
Alright for those of you that never believe me that Jamie Foxx’s daughter lives across the street, here is the proof :) You know I couldn’t just ask for a picture because I feel he has to go through that all the time and this was a family affair so I am not going to ask. But my mom got a kick out of him coming up to her to introduce himself and shake her hand :) Here he is standing next to Scott (you can click on the picture to enlarge it).
And with his daughter (Leah’s big sister)
And the birthday girl herself.
I love Harry’s expression as he makes new friends.
It was a really fun time. And Harry keeps asking, “when can we go back to Leah’s party?” lol
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
School pictures 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Archer Tidbits
Lets be honest, I have been horrible about blogging lately. I still haven’t uploaded my pictures from my sd cards. Most pictures come from my phone lately. It has just been really busy around here lately. So at-least I am trying to update you all :) William and Harry love to help me cook in the kitchen. They were so excited to find aprons their size at the Dollar Tree the other day. William was ready to bake as soon as we got home.
Here is Harry playing hide and seek with William the other night. He fell asleep waiting on Will and when I checked on William, he was asleep in his own bed. :)
Here are my little guys asleep in the morning. They always climb into my bed and they snuggle together. Most times you can find Harry’s arm around William.
Here are the little men excited for PJ day at school. They were so excited. Check Harry out! He cracks me up.
Oh Harry! Him and his stickers! This is common in our house.
One of my favorite. Harry fell asleep in the rocking chair and William was quietly rocking him. William is always taking care of his little brother.
Women’s Tea
Every month, we host a women’s tea at church. Last month we were fortunate enough to have Pastor Katherine’s mom in town to attend. This month, my mom is in town and was able to come.
It’s a nice time to relax, sip some tea, eat great finger foods and fellowship.
My mom and Pastor Katherine.
Festivals and Los Toros
Last Friday we went to a Family Fun Festival and then to Los Toros for dinner. Harry stayed on that slide forever and got more and more adventurous each time. By the end, he was jumping down the slide. William was content in the racecar.
It was my mom’s first visit to Los Toros and my least favorite. We still got the best service as usual (didn’t even have to wait for a table like the others ahead of us. What made it so bad is that William spilled a completely full drink and it landed right on my crotch! And of-course that was when we first got there so I did not really enjoy dinner too much. But the boys did of-course. Fernando sang their favorite songs. And O’Ryan made Harry a dirtbike and William a horse.
Halloween Night 2011
Harrison was getting impatient with us. He was waiting at the door for about 15 minutes while the rest of us got dressed. My little firefighter and Knight.
Batman and Robin. The boys loved that we were dressed up as Super Heroes. William and Harrison actually addressed us the entire night by “Batman” and “Robin.”
William and Harry with their friends Nicholas and Michael.
The first house.
And just like last year, Harry outdid William with going door to door. I would usually wait a few feet back while they did their trick or treating. I didn’t know why Harry’s basket was so much more full than Williams until I went up to a door with him and after he said, “Trick or Treat” and then “Thank you,” he added, “can I have more?” My guess is he did that at every house! His bucket was twice as full as Will’s and who is going to tell a 3 year old no?