Today was Harry's second go at tubes in his ears. We woke up at 5am and he was pretty good until we got to the surgery center. While we were waiting, he told me he was hungry and I told him he could eat after his doctor's appointment. Then he said, "but Mommy, my tummy is telling me that I am hungry too!" Too cute. He had two nurses, the anesthesiologist and his doctor. He would not answer any questions or look at anyone.

buried his head in my chest and would not let go. I think they knew it was going to be a bad
hand off so the anesthesiologist recommended that mom get cleaned up and dressed for the O.R. So I did and took Harry into his operating room and laid down on the bed with him. Then the two nurses held down his arms while the anesthesiologist put the mask over his face. That was the hardest part. Seeing him struggle and be completely frightened. I pushed the tears back and just held tight and whispered in his ear how much I loved him and he was doing a great job. It was harder on me than him. And now I am so glad they let me in there because I can't imagine how much more scared he would have been with total strangers holding him down until he fell asleep.
The procedure went really fast and I met him in the recovery room and he was ready for me. He cried for a little bit and then fell back asleep and even started drooling! Ha We were home a little after 9am and I thought he would sleep but he has just been lounging around watching cartoons. I really hope this helps with his ear infections, speech and eating (or lack thereof). Fingers crossed!
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