Yesterday after church, we headed down to Santa Monica Pier and Venice Beach. Jason, Stephanie's boyfriend, has never been to
California. And as I have said before, if you have never been here and you do visit, Venice Beach is an absolute must. It is by far the best people watching I have seen in my entire life. It is a whole different lifestyle down there. From medical
marijuana being sold on the street, random people trying to find their 15 minutes of fame by singing, Muscle Beach to the two homeless people having sex on the beach (in front of everyone)!
Oh but it was so cold there yesterday!!!! Well it was mainly super windy.
Walking in Venice Beach...

Stephanie and Jason on the beach...

speedo guy! Sorry about the bad picture. For some reason it came out so dark that the only way you could see his
speedo was if I lightened everything around him. This guy is there every single time we have been there! But he upgraded his
speedo from the American Flag to basic black.

ok seriously?! Butt Cheeks anyone? How can you not know your skirt is that short?

And the weekend is over. Short but sweet trip. Time to say good-bye to Auntie Stephanie.

And Jason

Scott and his littlest sis.

We hope you two had a good visit. It was nice having you!
Haa i love your venice beach pics! Glad you had a fun visit with kelly!
oops meant Stephanie :) Too cute they boys missed Kelly..i'm sure they are use to the pair coming together!
I could be the biggest dork on the PLANET. Or maybe just completely scattered but I just, JUST realized your sons have the same names as the princes.
Obviously Harry isn't Harrison but still.
That's it.
That's all she wrote.
Miss you friend.
Jessica, you are too funny. Believe me, now that Prince William got married, everyone keeps asking us if we named them after the Princes! Which no we did not, it is just coincidental. William is Scott's middle name, Harry (Harrison) is after his Great Grandpa Harry. :)
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