This is MY Mon Chi Chi :) When I was a little girl, this was my most favorite toy/doll. I loved my Mon Chi Chi. Well almost every Christmas Eve my mom would load up all of our toys and drive to the "not so nice part of town" and leave boxes of our toys in the apartment hallways so that the unfortunate kids would wake up Christmas morning and have new toys. I wasn't so happy about this when I was a kid but we were always so happy in the morning when Santa brought us new toys anyway. I think this was a great life lesson my mom taught us. Anyway, one Christmas morning was not so happy for me. When I woke up, my toy cash register was gone and that is where I kept all of my money (I'm sure this made some kid very happy). But more importantly, my Mon Chi Chi was gone. He was passed on to another good owner so I hoped. But still I was not happy about this. So about a month ago I was at Target and low and behold I walk passed this guy. A Mon Chi Chi. Now this one is a little different because he can't suck on his toes like my old one did but he can on one thumb. So a flood of memories came back and the nostalgic Jymme-Lyn had to buy him. When I came home I was kind of (not completely) kidding around with the boys and told them this was MY toy. Mr. Mon Chi Chi does take residence in the boys toy room. I was surprised the other day how much power Mon Chi Chi holds. If you know Harry well, you know he is about the most stubborn kid you will meet. He says, "NO!" a lot and he has quite the little temper. He is a man in his own world. The other day I wanted him to know how much this hurts my feelings when he doesn't listen to me or yells at me so I pretended to cry. All of the sudden, Harry took off running. I was thinking he thought I was crazy. But no, he came back holding Mon Chi Chi and said, "here you go mom, all better." I thought he was so cute ... and he said sorry. Now every time I act sad because Harry is yelling at me , Mon Chi Chi shows up in Harry's hands. And randomly Harry will bring me him and tell me Mon Chi Chi was asking for me. Surprisingly enough, Harry has been better lately. Ah, the power of Mon Chi Chi.
1 comment:
I need a Mon Chi Chi! :) How cute of Harry!
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