I have been saying for the past few weeks that it is so cold. I know I am spoiled with even 60 degree weather but now I can actually relate to the
Midwest....well a little at-least. Our 20 hours with Scott was up so we had to take him back to the airport. As we were pulling away from the airport, the snow started falling. I honestly have never seen snow fall this hard this fast. I took this picture within the first couple minutes of it snowing (less than 5 minutes).

My breaks kept locking up and lost control a little bit. The good thing is that I am used to this stuff. The BAD thing is that all of these Californians are NOT. It was seriously so odd though. As we drove down the street, just about every house had someone in front of it with a camera in hand. And we saw a ton of kids having a snowball fight. It is one experience this part of the country does not get!
William and Harrison were so excited to see the snow. That was until Will asked, "Mom!, does this mean we get Christmas tonight?" His heart broke when I had to break the news.
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