Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's Snowing in Southern California!!!

I have been saying for the past few weeks that it is so cold. I know I am spoiled with even 60 degree weather but now I can actually relate to the Midwest....well a little at-least. Our 20 hours with Scott was up so we had to take him back to the airport. As we were pulling away from the airport, the snow started falling. I honestly have never seen snow fall this hard this fast. I took this picture within the first couple minutes of it snowing (less than 5 minutes). My breaks kept locking up and lost control a little bit. The good thing is that I am used to this stuff. The BAD thing is that all of these Californians are NOT. It was seriously so odd though. As we drove down the street, just about every house had someone in front of it with a camera in hand. And we saw a ton of kids having a snowball fight. It is one experience this part of the country does not get!
William and Harrison were so excited to see the snow. That was until Will asked, "Mom!, does this mean we get Christmas tonight?" His heart broke when I had to break the news.

Daddy's home

Scott is travelling with work for three solid weeks. He is in a different city every single day so he is on a plane every night. Two weeks down, one to go. Thankfully my mom is here to ease some anxiety and help with the boys. Scott was flying home last night via the company's corporate jet and we were set to pick him up. That was until I was sent into the hospital. I had really bad chest pain and pressure. I realize I haven't done a medical update in some time and owe you one. I will try to get one posted soon. Thankfully my mom extended her trip another week so I wouldn't have to be home by myself in my current medical state. Thank you mom. You have no idea how much I appreciate you and help ease my anxiety. In the mean time, back to Scott. Well luckily I got out of the hospital in the nick of time to pick up the boys and my mom to head to the airport. The boys were so excited. The airport even allows you to drive out onto the tarmac so the passengers don't have to walk far into the rain. Anyhow, the boys were so excited and so loud as they saw Scott's plane coming in. Thank goodness, there was only one other person in the airport to listen to their excitement. Here is the plane. A special surprise for the boys is that Scott talked to the pilot and they were waiting for Harrison and William to come aboard to check everything out. I didn't realize this was going to backfire on me:) Here they are picking their seats and requesting to watch Cars on the television.

Must to nice to ride in style. Plush leather seats and an endless minibar. The problem was that the boys were ready to fly. They wanted to fly to Missouri!!!! It was really hard to get them off of the plane.
Scott is home for less than 24 hours until he departs again in a few hours-ugh!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Let's ride...

He's trying not to smile...
Too busy to look at me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

To the beach we shall go

It has been COLD here. It's been in the 60's all week and I am ready for a heat wave. My mom is here and she brought the cold Missouri weather with her and sent the California sun to Missouri. And it has been raining a lot. It is unseasonably cold here and I am a wimp and I don't like it! Anyhow, the sun peaked out today and we took off for the beach. Did you know that it is possible to sulk at the beach?
Who knew?! Well it turns out I got in trouble because I didn't bring a picnic lunch to the beach with us. I figured since we ate lunch before we left, I wouldn't need to pack another lunch. They were not happy with me! I guess they equate the beach with picnics so I messed up there.
Gotta love the happy family picture with the two boys that look miserable like I am starving them.
But then they remembered how fun it actually is and took off for some fun.

All is good again.

On the way home, they asked if they can go back to the beach tonight to play.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

I decorated the kitchen all pretty. I made Scott's favorite for dinner: Meat loaf. And since he is out of town for work for three weeks, he was pretty excited to get his favorite home cooked meal before he left the next day. He brought me home beautiful flowers.
William was excited for more trains and freight cars. That is all he ever wants.
Harry also got a train but all he cared about was the candy in his bag-typical Archer :)

He helped Miss Belle open her bag too.
I'm late posting this but Happy Valentine's day to all!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Toddler Tidbits and Weekend Update

Toddler Tidbits:

Harrison is in a stage where he always says, "Ahhh, nuts!" as a response to a lot of things. It is really hard not to get a chuckle. On the other hand, he has quite the temper. I thought I survived the terrible twos but I am just realizing they have carried over to the threes but twice as bad. :) But other times he is so lovable. The kid just has a temper. Mom, you need to tell Scott I was a perfect child because he keeps asking me if I acted this way when I was a kid.

William and Harrison rode the train at the mall today. They rode with a little girl about 4 or 5. When they got off the train, the little girl grabbed her mom's shirt, pointed at William and made the motion with her hands that he is a talker-ha. And that is so true. William doesn't stop talking most of the day. It is just funny for a little girl to point it out.

Tonight at dinner it was really quiet (for a split second) and William raised his voice and declared, "I am John the Baptist!" Guess we know what he learned about in Sunday School today :) Thanks Shelby.

Weekend Update:
Friday was fun. We went to family dinner at our favorite restaurant, Los Torros. They have the best margaritas and bean dip. The boys love it because Fernando comes to our table every time and sings them 2 songs. Fernando is a guitar player there. Also, the balloon guy came over and made William a Thomas the Train balloon and Harrison a Tiger balloon. Harrison was very persistent that all he wanted was a balloon. Not anything else. We had to convince him to get an animal.
Saturday was beautiful as it has been for a few days here. It was in the 80's so we took the boys to Six Flags to ride some rides. I got to say, I am loving that place (well Bugs Bunny land at-least). There are no lines not even on the weekend. Afterwards, we headed to Yummy cupcakes. See, I have this problem with cupcakes. I love them. Sprinkles cupcakes are so good but it is such a task getting down to Beverly Hills, finding parking and then waiting in line for them. Although, I do say it is worth it. But there is another place closer that I found online and I hinted to Scott (sent him the website link and the flavors I wanted to try :) tee hee) for Valentine's Day. So I got my present a few days early:)
Since I am the Office Manager at church, I was in charge of getting everything in order for the annual meeting. Besides the paperwork stuff, I set up the lunch. And because I love cupcakes so much, everyone else should too, right? So I made them last night and Sir Harry was the lucky boy to do all the decorating. Didn't he do a good job?

Today we had church of-course followed by our Annual Congregational Meeting. I ran for Church Council Treasurer again and will repeat the position this year. And Scott stepped up and ran for Church Council President. And he will fill that role this year. Afterwards, we went to the mall. It is amazing what a few quarters and a train ride will do for those boys:) Our mall added a bunch of those riding machines so we let them ride 4 of them. Plus there is a play area and a train that takes you around the mall. So it keeps them happy and entertained:)

And that was our weekend.