Oh so cute. Good thing I only post pictures of their cuteness. And I'm glad with a day like yesterday I could see that in them. These kids are making me insane. I begged Scott to come home early yesterday and thankfully he came home a little after 5pm. After sobbing in the kitchen corner yesterday, I think they finally broke me down. Sometimes being a parent is hard. This stage is so hard and I really am ready for a break. So I locked myself in our room last night for a few hours to come out to find this...

I guess they worked so hard on driving me insane yesterday that they didn't have any energy left for their dad. And so it begins today. Furniture already being moved, slamming doors because Harry wants it shut and William wants it open, screaming, whining, crying, pushing, punching, throwing toys, closet on the the bedroom floor, not listening to the sound of my voice, etc. The list goes on and it's only 8:45am. Where is Super Nanny?
I think that if you stay in California much longer then I'm sure William has the possibility of becoming an actor. He is so theatrical, whereas Harry would make a good Warden at a Federal Prison.
CUTE pics! loove them all passed out too..of course that is w/ Scott and not you! Ugh i feel for you and you have x2!! This too shall pass, but definitely not fun times i know! The cute moments really help us to get through!
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