We have pretty much been going to the beach every weekend lately. It's super fun and cheap! BUT I did get my first good burn of the summer yesterday. Geez, I have been really good at always wearing sunscreen. And I did yesterday too but that didn't matter as my ripe red stomach shows otherwise.
When we first set up our spot on the beach, this little girl came up next to us.

We thought she was super cute. She is a female seal. Well after a couple minutes, we realized something was wrong since she was all by herself. The Marine Animal Help was called. Only one guy came out so Scott helped him catch her and load her up. The guy said that she was significantly underweight and malnourished. So hopefully they can help her.
Afterwards, we played soccer.

This is my favorite picture of the day. William sitting on daddy's lap and Harry's WHITE surfer hair blowing in the wind.

Always sand in the face.

There was a really cute beach wedding going on right behind us.

William really enjoyed playing in the water yesterday.

Harrison really enjoyed looking for helicopters and planes.

It was fun as always. Now time to get ready for church. Scott is having his fun time by dirt biking right now. And the boys will be happy to see Shelby at church. Fun fun.
In the one picture of Harrison (always sand in the face) He is the clone of you when you were that age.
Also, the pic. of the boys in the morning, How did Harrison manage to get into Will's crib?
Harrison does look like he would fit right in with the surfers. :) That's awesome that you get to go to the beach so much! It looks like so much fun.
He can climb into it on the front side. he's a good climber:) Although not like Will, he hasn't tried climbing out of his crib yet. Will did that last year at this time.
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