Ok. lots of Archer updates coming your way! It is going to take me some time to catch up on the blog. I am without a computer...again! A virus took over my computer and the Geek Squad from Best Buy has it. And if you follow, yes this is my 3rd computer in the last year. Thank goodness for warranties. Scott got home at a decent time tonight and I snagged his laptop to catch up with the outside world. Last weekend was very relaxing. I like to call Friday "fantastic" because...it was! :) We went to dinner at Chi Chi's. It's a local pasta and pizza place that we actually feel comfortable taking the boys without worrying about them being loud and obnoxious. They met a little boy named Vincent (who ate off of my plate-I absolutely love how little kids are not shy) and they got balloons. That is a big favorite in our household! And
Baskin Robins is right next door so we had to stop off for dessert!

AND...Harry lost his balloon. Disregard the chocolate all over the boy's faces.

And Harrison has still not gotten over losing his balloon.

Saturday William and Harrison had their very first swim lessons. William was a little fish. He loved it. He jumped off the wall when "
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall." He blew bubbles under the water. He told Scott to get the ring at the bottom of the pool though. He wasn't going down there. Harrison, on the other hand, exercised his lungs the entire time. I felt horrible. I felt like he thought I was torturing him. I even took him out of the water and the instructor told me that I shouldn't do that because it would only make him more scared when he got back in. I settled for taking him to the wading pool by myself away from everyone else and got him comfortable without all of the people around. We will see how the next lesson goes.
Sunday we took William, Harrison and Miss Belle to Lemon Park to play in the fountains.
It was a fun weekend with a magical Monday right around the corner...
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