The chili cook off was ok. We tried quite a few chilis but honestly, I still like mine the best. I think if we still live here next year, I will enter the contest. Scott even agreed that mine is much better! :)
Ok, onto Boundaries. So the kids didn't want to eat chili so we bought them a hamburger. Harrison and William were sitting next to me eating their burger and Scott decided to get up to get some ice cream. Well Harrison started whining a little bit and wanted his daddy. So 2 seconds later I am moving over closer to him but this woman comes up and starts comforting him. I told her, "It's okay, I'm his mom." Her response, "but he wants his daddy." She goes on to say it is ok because she is a nurse and she loves nurturing little kids. It would be okay if she kept her hands off of him instead of touching his face and head over and over again. Germ fest. So as if that isn't bad enough, it gets much worse. Both boys are still eating and William has some ketchup on his face. She licks her finger and rubs it off of his face!!!!!! Ugh! Some strangers saliva on my child's face. Gross! I really hope I don't sound bad but I really don't like some complete stranger licking their finger and rubbing it on my kids face. I don't even do that.
WOW i would TOTALLY FREAK out if someone did that to DJ, i don't blame u! I can't believe she did that! Looks like you guys had a fun weekend tho!
That is so disgusting, I would feel the same way.
I love Will's smile in the pictures!!
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