Afterwards we came in for dinner. And then off to the bath. Harrison has always bathed by himself in the toddler bath. So tonight I tried to save time by bathing them together. He had his first big boy bath and shared it with his brother. I have to say that Harrison was not fond of sharing the bath with his brother. It started off ok until William tried shaving Harrison's head with his Thomas the Train shaving kit. Harrison was not having it. And then the splashing didn't help. But all in all, it was fun.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A night of firsts
AND HE SCORES!!! 2 points. I didn't realize that Harrison would be interested in basketball like William is. William could stay outside all day and play basketball. I never thought Harrison would be more interested. We went out back and Harrison wanted to play so I lowered the net. Harrison kept shooting baskets and making them. Then there was a night of firsts- their first basketball game. William was blocking him but Harrison still made the baskets.

Afterwards we came in for dinner. And then off to the bath. Harrison has always bathed by himself in the toddler bath. So tonight I tried to save time by bathing them together. He had his first big boy bath and shared it with his brother. I have to say that Harrison was not fond of sharing the bath with his brother. It started off ok until William tried shaving Harrison's head with his Thomas the Train shaving kit. Harrison was not having it. And then the splashing didn't help. But all in all, it was fun.

Afterwards we came in for dinner. And then off to the bath. Harrison has always bathed by himself in the toddler bath. So tonight I tried to save time by bathing them together. He had his first big boy bath and shared it with his brother. I have to say that Harrison was not fond of sharing the bath with his brother. It started off ok until William tried shaving Harrison's head with his Thomas the Train shaving kit. Harrison was not having it. And then the splashing didn't help. But all in all, it was fun.
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1 comment:
That's so cute that the boys played a basketball game together! :)
I always throw my two in the bath together. They pick at each other sometimes but generally have fun. It's just so much easier to bathe them at the same time. :)
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