I cannot emphasize enough how much I hate unpacking. It seems like it is never ending. We are finished with the boy's rooms, kitchen and living room. Don't ask what the dining room, our bedroom and the disaster of a garage looks like. My goal is to finish our bedroom today if the boys let me. Our movers suck though. It is so hard to find anything. I still haven't found the love seat cushions and all of the living room boxes are unpacked. I am sure they are probably in a box labeled, "garage tools" or something of that sort since I found William's toys in a box labeled, "kitchen booze" and it had nothing in it but toys. I think movers must get bored with their job so it must be a way of messing with the homeowners. We did unpack William's old walker and I thought Harrison may be too young for it but boy was I wrong?! I put him in it and when I turned around he ran from the kitchen to the front door. The kid zooms around in this thing and absolutely loves it. And it is so fun to watch him interact with William now. William has always taken to Harrison but now they actually play together. Will will push Harrison around in the walker and Harrison just holds on and laughs.
The evil smile says it all. He is into everything and is such a rebel! If anyone has advice on how to discipline a 17 month old who does opposite of what you ask, let me know. We have been trying to baby proof this house as fast as possible. He turned on the fireplace the other day and now that we have a gas stove, he turns on the burners. I saw online that you can buy covers to go over the knobs on the stove but I can't find them anywhere. If you know where, let me know before Will burns down the house.
AT LAST!!!! A home cooked meal and my spice rack! After a week of not having dishes or pots and pans, I finally made a home cooked meal last night. I do not want to say how much weight I gained in one week. I didn't think it was possible! OK, I love my spice rack and it has been in storage for two months. And most of you know that I love to make home made spaghetti once a week. It just wasn't the same without all of my spices. But last night we got to indulge on a favorite. Now only if we had a kitchen table to eat at. We sent ours back to Missouri for storage and now I think it would fit.

Glad to hear you made it okay and are getting settled in... I'm sure it will take some time but at least you're all back together!! Hannah LOVES her walker and zooms around our house, it just hurts when she runs into you... and Braden is always yelling "Sissy's going to get me!"... we have a gas stove also and just pulled the knobs off and stick them back on when we use it... I don't know if your knobs will do that or not, but it's an idea... talk to you soon, I love looking at your blog, I'm so glad you have it!!
It looks like you're getting settled! I'm glad everything is going well. I'm sure it's nice to all be back together again! Good luck with finishing packing!
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