Ok, sorry for the lack of posts. I have so much to say. First of all, I lost a little bit of communication to the outside world. William broke my laptop. I haven't even had it three months and the old desktop is packed away somewhere??? William thought that it would be nice to take a nightlight and put it on the keyboard and try to shut the computer. Obiviously, it wouldn't close and I couldn't get to him in time. And then, he threw my cell phone into Belle's water bowl. It took a few days to dry out but now at-least my phone is working. I still have to get the computer fixed. Ok, so it has been a big two days in the Archer household! Yesterday was eventful. First, William decided to get out of his crib....but not gracefully.
I opened the door just in time to see him do it but not soon enough to catch him before he fell face first onto the hardwood floor. You would think he learned his lesson after busting open his lip and bruising his chin but nope. He keeps climbing out. I think he is too young for a toddler bed but maybe I am wrong. Today he is 18 months old. I can't believe my baby is already a year and a half. I bought a crib tent last night but it is too small for his crib. I don't know what to do at this point. I am afraid if I put pillows down, he can still fall the wrong way and break something and if he is in the todler bed, he will never go to sleep. Any suggestions????
Secondly, Harrison broke his first tooth yesterday (the bottom right front). Everytime I touch it, he laughs. He is so cute. And today was equally eventful. Harrison has been doing this army crawl for a little bit now. He has mastered scooting backwards and in circles. He is really good about manuevering around to get where he wants. Yesterday I walked out of the room for a minute and when I came back, he was under his crib :) A few days ago, he got up on all fours but didn't move. Today it all changed. He got up on all four and took two steps forward!!!!! My baby is starting to crawl the right way and he is only 5 and a half months old!!! I can't believe it. I am so going to be in trouble with two kids on the run :)
On a side note, I am so excited for my new project. I absolutely love salt water fish. I had a salt water fish tank in Missouri but decided not to set one back up in Utah since it costs so much (time and money). Anyway, I missed having one and I thought it would be fun to have one with the boys. I just started the setup 3 days ago so there is nothing fun to show a picture of. I just added some live rock and hardy fish (blue damsels with yellow tails and dominos) tonight. So it will be at-least 4-6 weeks until I can start adding the fun ones (tangs, starfish, perculas, live plants, etc). I am so excited.