I have obviously neglected the blog lately. My sister and nephews have been in town for almost two weeks. It was nice to have company to keep my mind off of being away from Scott. My sister is like my best friend so it was nice to be able to spend quality time with her. We have
done quite a bit of
activities lately so there will be a lot of pictures on this post.

The baby group met this weekend at the farmer's market. I will be sad to be leaving this group. We have been getting together for a year now. The first time we met, it was the group pictured above. Now there are 7 babies in the group. I will miss the monthly activities and mom's night out. I hope we find a good group in California.

Harrison's personality is coming out each day. He laughs ALL of the time. Now he is babbling up a storm and gets so excited. I have always heard that no matter how bad your voice is that babies love to hear their mommy sing to them. WELL...
every time I sing lullabies to Harrison, he starts cracking up laughing!!!

We went to C
huckECheese for the first time and William loved the rides.

We went shopping at the Gateway. William and Austin loved running through the sprinklers.

We made our way back to
Hogle Zoo again. This time the Merry-Go-Round was up and running. The boys had fun.

And we took Harrison swimming for the first time ever. He liked the water a lot but seemed amazed there was a bath tub that big! William had a blast. He is a little fish. He splashed everyone and would get so excited in the water.
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