Both boys had their well baby check ups today. William had his 15th month check up. He only had to get one shot today but all of us were shocked by his reaction. The nurse stuck him right in the leg and he just stared at her and then babbled some jibberish. No cry or wimper from him. He weighs 25.13 pounds (60th percentile) and is 32.09 inches (81st percentile). The doctor was really impressed with his "talking" and social skills. At 15 months, they like to hear toddlers say 3-5 words. William can say, "mama, dadda, baby, belle, ball, hi, good, ok, baba, me, yes, papa and uh oh." I have to tell Will all of the time that he can't say "uh oh" if he does it (whatever the reason he is saying it for) on purpose. I am sure there are a couple more words but I can't think of them right now. But what other things William does babble, I have no idea. He will hold an hour long conversation with you just jibber jabbering away. He knows how to sign "drink" and "eat" so that helps a lot. He also knows were to find the cookies (in the pantry) and where his drink is (the refridgerator). He points at objects if you ask where it is but he hasn't figured out how to say the word yet. What I love is that if you ask him where his nose is, he will point to yours.
Harrison, on the other hand, didn't have the same experience. He had to get 4 shots today and I have never heard him cry so hard or long. And since we have gotten home, he has been passed out in his crib. Poor little baby :( In regards to his stats, he is a little chunky monkey. He weighs 14 lbs (79 percentile) and is 23.43 inches (45th percentile). He is still smaller than what William was at this age.
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