The most beautiful words to hear....."love you." Tonight as Scott was putting William to bed he said, "goodnight, I love you." And William's response was, "Love you." It was clear as day. Scott has a permanent smile from ear to ear.
Well things continue to be really busy. I am back to blonde. After two months of having a honey blonde hair color, I had to go back to what was natural to me. Miss Belle also went to the salon this weekend. She looks beautiful with her first shave. We are hoping to have less hair to pick up now that the house is getting ready to be listed.
We are back from California and Scott parents left today. We couldn't be more grateful to them to watching the boys while we went house hunting. The trip was anything but relaxing for us. We had a big reality check looking at houses in California. I would like to think that we are a middle class family but after looking at houses there, I feel poor. We did put an offer on a nice little house on Friday right before we left. Please pray for us that everything goes through smoothly. Unfortunately, my migraines are back and I have been getting them almost every day. My new medicine is not working and I am very scared to do this single mom thing on my own with my migraines. This week things will not be slowing down for us. Our hopes are to have the house on the market early this week but everything goes through our relocation company so it may not happen that fast. Wednesday we are off to Missouri and then when we get back, Scott leaves us for California. If everything goes smoothly with the house we put an offer on, we close June 30th. looks like we will be apart for two months :( I don't even want to think about that right now.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Busy Busy!

I love that Harrison has hair. William still doesn't have as much hair as Harrison does but it is growing in now. He is a lot luckier than me. I didn't have hair until I was three and I was stuck with the name Jymme. Can you imagine how much pink my mom had to dress me in. Harrison's hair is so blonde that you can't really see it in pictures. But he just got a bath and I gave him a fauxhawk. If I was smarter, I would give him a bath at night since it puts him to sleep but we are so busy that I just find time to do it when I can.
This past week has been an absolute nightmare. We are trying to get the house staged to put on the market. We met with two realtors and didn't like either one of them. They seem really lazy! We don't get much of a choice since everything goes through Farmer's relocation company. Anyway, in the midst of cleaning and reorganizing the house (basically renting a storage unit and packing), William got really sick. He had the highest temperature. It reached 105.5. And the worst thing you can hear from a doctor is "lets just watch it for a few days and see how he does." Ugh, it makes me to mad to hear this from a medical professional. William did nothing but cry for hours on end for days. he wouldn't eat or sleep and was unconsolable. It is the worst feeling as a parent to see your child suffer and not be able to comfort them. Today he is doing much better and the fever finally broke yesterday. Because of all of the stress, I had a migraine for two days. If you have never had a migraine, you wouldn't understand how bad they are. I wouldn't wish one on my worst enemy. They are disabling. My biggest fear is getting one once Scott leaves for good and not knowing how to take care of myself and the boys at the same time. I am also doing better now.
This Wednesday we fly out to California and look for a house. I really hope we find one or settle for one this trip so we can live together that much sooner. The following week we are off to good ole Missouri. My great friend, Becky, is getting married. It will also be Harrison's first trip home and he gets to meet his namesake, his Great Grandpa. We will also be getting him baptized in the family church that weekend. It is a short trip home and we are making the most of it by visiting my family (Southern Missouri) to visiting Scott's family (Northern Missouri). We hope Harrison is good for long car rides :)
Basically, Scott has four days left in Utah (today, tomorrow, next Monday and Tuesday) to try to get all of his Utah work done, finish his new tasks for his new job, find a realtor, meet with 3 appraisers, meet with the relocation company, sell the truck, finish getting the house ready and go to the doctor. Let alone trying to help me get into the doctor while he can watch the kids. And take Belle to the vet. It is such a mess trying to tie up everything here before starting all over in California. I have to try to get everything done that I need to while I still have a babysitter. Can you see why I am stressed?
Monday, April 14, 2008
Poor Harrison :(

Both boys had their well baby check ups today. William had his 15th month check up. He only had to get one shot today but all of us were shocked by his reaction. The nurse stuck him right in the leg and he just stared at her and then babbled some jibberish. No cry or wimper from him. He weighs 25.13 pounds (60th percentile) and is 32.09 inches (81st percentile). The doctor was really impressed with his "talking" and social skills. At 15 months, they like to hear toddlers say 3-5 words. William can say, "mama, dadda, baby, belle, ball, hi, good, ok, baba, me, yes, papa and uh oh." I have to tell Will all of the time that he can't say "uh oh" if he does it (whatever the reason he is saying it for) on purpose. I am sure there are a couple more words but I can't think of them right now. But what other things William does babble, I have no idea. He will hold an hour long conversation with you just jibber jabbering away. He knows how to sign "drink" and "eat" so that helps a lot. He also knows were to find the cookies (in the pantry) and where his drink is (the refridgerator). He points at objects if you ask where it is but he hasn't figured out how to say the word yet. What I love is that if you ask him where his nose is, he will point to yours.
Harrison, on the other hand, didn't have the same experience. He had to get 4 shots today and I have never heard him cry so hard or long. And since we have gotten home, he has been passed out in his crib. Poor little baby :( In regards to his stats, he is a little chunky monkey. He weighs 14 lbs (79 percentile) and is 23.43 inches (45th percentile). He is still smaller than what William was at this age.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Good Bye Utah, Hello Sunny California!

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Monday, April 7, 2008
Video of Harrison
I haven't posted a video in a while so I thought I would get some action shots. I heard the sweetest little sound for the first time on Friday. It was the laugh of little Harrison. Of-couse now that I want to capture it on video, he won't do it. But you get to hear a little bit of sound from him :) Hope you enjoy.
Friday, April 4, 2008
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