Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer Break

If it were only always this easy!  School is out for summer.  I love how easy the boys are to entertain and how much fun we have together.  We went to The Dollar Store to pick out a toy today.  It’s something so simple and I love how excited they are as they go down the aisles determining what they are going to get.  And I don’t have to worry about them picking out a $100 toy like if we were at ToysRUs.  Harry picked out a toy snake to scare Scott with.  William picked out a little motorcycle.  After The Dollar Store, we went across the street to enjoy some frozen yogurt.

  frozen yogurtWhen we got home, we played catch….with our heads.  The goal was to see who could catch the most cheetos with their head (filled with shaving cream at-least). 

Cheeto heads

Then we were on to a water balloon toss that turned into a water balloon fight.  William cracks me up because he kept saying, “Harry stop running, I can’t hit you if you keep running. 

balloon fightbf2  

Summer is here and I LOVE it.  Although today the boys already have a cold and are sick.  Lots of love and cuddles today. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

He’s a graduate

My “baby” William is officially a preschool graduate.  He had his graduation at school on Wednesday.

Scott and Will  wil and dad

William and his awesome teacher, Mrs. Laura.  She was so good to him.  will and ms laura

William and Mommy.will and mom

Waiting for William to come into the chapel.   harry and dadHere he is.willl coming in

They put on an awesome show for us.  They sang a lot of nice songs before the handing out of diplomas.  William was so excited to sing and he even did all the gestures for it as well.  This is a huge change from a year ago when he just stood up on the stage.   singingAnd onto the graduation.  graduatediplomaDoesn’t he look so tall?!certificate

Afterwards, Scott had the idea of taking them to ChuckECheese for lunch.  They had a blast (as usual). chuckecheesegames oh no picturesAnd afterwards we rewarded him with a toy at ToysRUs.  Of-course Harry got to pick something out too :)  They had such a great day! rewards      As did we.  Now I just can’t believe he starts Kindergarten in two months! 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Meeting Kasey Kahne

Scott met Kasey Kahne on Thursday.  He did get to tell him that William is his biggest fan.  William was sad he didn’t get to go to work with Daddy and meet him himself but he was extremely happy that Kasey signed two hats, one for Will and one for Harry.  William slept with him Thursday night!

Scott and Kasey


Scott and Kasey’s car


William with his signed Kasey Kahne hat.

 Will kahen

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Kid Talk

Preface: William and I were talking about the days of the week and the order they went in.


Me: “Good job William. You are very smart!”

William: “That’s because I have my hubcap on today.”

Me: “Your hub cap?  Do you mean your thinking cap?”

William: “Oh yeah, thinking cap.  That’s what it’s called.”

Monday, June 18, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

Scott found a great deal on Groupon for family pictures.  I was really excited because we haven’t had professional pictures taken since Harrison was born.   Now granted, I take a lot of family pictures so I don’t feel like I am completely missing out but I have wanted professional pictures for some time now.  As a mom and a organized planner, I was excited for Sunday pictures.  We chose Laguna Beach because we knew we wanted beach pictures.  It was 2 hours from the house but we knew we would make a day of it. 
So let the planning begin.  I had to find the perfect outfits that would look good at the beach.  All of us had to coordinate but not be too matchy matchy.  The boys needed haircuts, I needed my hair highlighted and cut, Scott needed his cut.  I had to do my nails.  Scott and I found airbrush tanning on Groupon (yes, we did that!). It was my first time doing it but a tan was needed to cover up my tan lines on my knee from my brace.  I had to find the perfect jewelry to match.  What else?  It seemed like a lot of planning just for family pictures.  But everything had to be perfect. 
So we drove the two hours, changed in the car and waited.  Scott called the photographer 4 times.  He never answered and never called us back!  After waiting an hour with no response from him, we gave up.  I just cannot believe a professional would do something like that!  And today he has stilled not called Scott back!  All that planning for naught.  I only hope we can get our money back from Groupon.  But it wasn’t a waste.  I actually didn’t bring my camera with me.  Why would I need it?  But we weren’t going to waste the day so we took pictures with our phones, played on the beach and had a fun lunch in Newport Beach.  Here are some of our pictures from yesterday.  Who needs a professional?!  Ha

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 photo 1 photo 2 photo 3 photo 4 photo 5

Father’s Day Weekend

Why do the weekends always go by so fast?!  Friday night we grilled out and had some nice family time outside.  I love eating outside.  I know we pretty much can do it all year round here but something about this time of year screams summer when you can grill out and play in the backyard at dinner time.  Saturday was our typical morning/afternoon with working out, laundry, chores, etc.  Then we hit the mall looking for a shirt for Scott and then met some friends at Los Toro’s for dinner.  The boys love playing with their friend Jackson.

los toroslos toros2And the newest addition to their family, Jensen, loved meeting Fernando and listening to his songs.  How cute is this kid?!

los toros 3

Sunday morning was exciting.  As soon as Scott left to go for a run, the boys and I were out of bed getting the table ready and breakfast cooked.  The boys were beyond excited for Father’s Day.  They have been counting it down for two weeks.  Check em out!

 fathers day

Now they are super excited because they picked out shirts for Father’s day.  They bought the same shirt for themselves as they did Scott.  But they are wearing theirs underneath their button ups so they “can rip em off when daddy opens his present and surprise him!”  I had to let them down easy that they better not rip open their shirts and ruin the ones they had on :)

best dad 

They did a lot of paintings for Scott this year.  I thought I was being quite cleaver by the painting, “Best Dad Hands Down.”  But check out what Harry made for Scott as school!

   harry's present 

I had no idea.  Harry loved his present for Scott so much that he took down the only picture frame of me and Scott in the living room and placed his frame there instead.  Ha.  William made Scott a hanger.  It’s cute because it has a tie on it and the inside says “I’m hung up on you.”

 Will's present wp2

And the long awaited group shirts: “Archer Pit Crew.” 

pit crew

After breakfast and present opening we had plans in Laguna Beach.  We bought a photography package off of Groupon and had to drive 2 hours to meet the guy.  More on that later.  After our “photo shoot,” we had lunch at Mutt Lynches. 

   lunch 2lunch

And then hit the beach again for some more fun before heading home. 

playtime at the beach

All in all it was a very fun but fast weekend. 

Pirates Dinner

The boys LOVE to dress up as pirates.  I constantly have to draw treasure maps and tell make believe stories about pirates.  Scott and I were trying to think of something fun to do as a family so we bought tickets to the Pirate dinner show in Buena Park.  We thought this would be perfect for the boys.  How could it not be?  So we planned the whole weekend around this considering it is an hour and a half drive from our house. We were super excited and we left it a surprise for the boys until we got there and we let them wear their pirate costumes in public on a random day other than Halloween.  So we were having fun in the lobby waiting to go into the theatre when all of the sudden the lights went out, gun shots were loud and 3 pirates swung over our heads on ropes.  It was the preshow and we weren’t expecting it AT ALL.  So Harrison starts screaming on the top of his lungs.  I don’t mean crying.  I mean SCREAMING.  Well it was a little scary considering we weren’t expecting people to fly over our heads in the lobby. 


From there, it was over.  Harrison would not even walk to the theatre to go sit down.  Well that obviously scared William.  I sat with Will at our seats.  Take that back.  I sat in our seats while William hung out under the dinner table.  3 different pirates came up to us and told him they would keep him safe.  The boys weren’t having it.  5 minutes into the show and more screaming (let me emphasize on screaming, not crying), we didn’t want to ruin everyone else’s experience, so we left.  We were wrong on thinking the boys would love the pirate show.  pirates pirates2 pirates3

Funnier part is that every night we do “high-lows.”  We ask the boys what the lowest part of their day was and what was the highest (best) part of their day.  Would you be shocked to know that both of the boys “high” of the day was the pirate show?!!!!!  What?????