That is how I feel about everything right now. The blog has definitely taken a back seat to everything else. Our days are so packed and crazy busy, I definitely need more hours in the day. I went back to work full time in August. Harry started full time preschool. William attends before school care, Kindergarten and after school care (3 different place a day for him). We are gone from 6:45am till 6pm each weekday. We wake up before daylight and get home after the sun is down. From 6pm-8pm, we are fighting to get homework done, dinner made and eaten, baths, reading, praying and putting the boys to bed. It is a struggle to get the boys down by 8pm. We would love to get them to bed earlier seeing we wake them up before 6am. But it just isn’t possible. Weekends are left for budgeting, paying bills, mowing the lawn, grocery shopping, errands, etc. Our lives have definitely changed. Although it is nice to have a well needed paycheck, me going back to work has been a struggle for all of us. So there you have it. The blog has taken a back seat to work. :) And if you could only see our house and how crazy a mess it is! It is definitely a struggle.
So as for Harry, he has taken very well to being in school for 11 hours a day. He is Mr. Social Butterfly and has a ton of friends. I love that about him. He is easy to drop off and we love our time together in the morning driving to school. Harry has also adjusted to taking naps at school. This was what I was afraid of since he hasn’t taken a nap since he was 2. But with waking up before 6am, he definitely can use the nap. If only they would let me nap at work.
As for me, work is work. This job is definitely NOT something I will do for the rest of my life. I am working on a project for Bank of America and is due by second quarter next year. The atmosphere is definitely something I have never experienced before. Working in a contract position is very odd. The whole office is contract and it is very evident. No personal items, don’t get up unless it is break or lunch, don’t talk, etc. The things that are instructed are definitely not a boost to moral. At-least I am not the only one that feels that way though which is comforting to have made friends there. Also I have already excelled in my position. My manager has named me the “Subject Matter Expert” on the team and I was chosen to help her certify the other contractors once I was certified. That definitely has made me feel better in my position. So at-least I know that while several others “get the axe,” I have a little bit more job stability. But you just never know. We have a gym at work so I get to work out on my lunch hour which is a nice boost to my afternoon. That is about all. Here are some pictures of mine and Harry’s “first day.”