Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Auntie Lauren's trip

Lets admit it, our blog has taken a backseat lately. But I am going to do better. My sister was here for two weeks. It couldn't have been more perfect timing with me going into the hospital. I haven't seen her in almost two years and the boys really didn't remember her. BUT she was thrown into taking care of them and they couldn't have been happier! They were in really good hands and we didn't have to worry about them when I was in the hospital. They love their Auntie Lauren and loved playing with her and being spoiled by here. I am sad that she is gone. And to be honest a little scared that I am the only adult here during the day. I get nervous about getting sick but at-least I know now how to monitor myself and know some warning signs.

It was so nice getting to spend time with my sissy. I wish we could see each other more often. We haven't visited Missouri since we moved to California and my sister has two kids of her own so it is hard to get away. I am so thankful she did come and I am looking forward to her coming back this summer with her whole family.

Here are some pictures of her visit.
I love this picture. The boys are making the silliest faces to each other. I never get enough of them hugging or holding hands. I think it is the cutest thing ever. I hope they are always best friends.

Karate Lessons

We went to a Kids Festival a couple weeks ago. We ran across an awesome special. We got 4 private lessons, unlimited monthly group classes, uniform and belt for only $20! I figured this was the perfect opportunity to see if they liked it and if they didn't, well they had Halloween costumes for next year. We went yesterday and their uniforms weren't ready yet. William did really well at taking directions. Lets just say Harrison needs to practice his patience. We are going to hold off on him for another year. I think this will be good for him. We are excited.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Little Zoolander

Blue Steel William has been striking a pose lately where he pulls his cheeks in and puckers his lips. Ha.


I have been horrible about blogging lately. I have a lot to get caught up on. Harrison was upgraded to a big boy bed Tuesday night. William was more excited about it than him. I was worried about his new found freedom but Harrison has been staying in his bed. He does get out in the morning but luckily he doesn't know how to open his door yet and he prefers it closed.
Big news for William is that he got his braces on yesterday. When I got home from the hospital last week I walked in his room and this odor hit me like a ton of bricks. While I was in the hospital, he poured fish food down his casts. It didn't take long for that smell to linger throughout the house. I took him into the doctor the very next day because there is no way he was going to wear those for two more weeks. I was prepared to get new casts but when she checked his feet she was completely impressed with his correction. Instead of 6 weeks, she said he was ready for his braces after 4. We were so excited. BUT they called and the braces were not ready yet. So William traded in his blue casts for black and bright green in honor of his favorite monster truck, GraveDigger. His braces were ready yesterday so at-least he got 1 week off.

William designed his own braces. He chose blue straps with trains on the back. It is so nice to give him a bath! 5 weeks of sponge baths just doesn't do the job.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Medical Update

My Friday appointment went really well. My blood pressure has been consistently stable since being put on medication. I fall in the low normal level. I do have a blood pressure and heart rate monitor since I left the hospital. I have to take my stats several times a day and report them to my doctors. It hasn't been too bad because my doctors are talking to me on the phone a lot opposed to going into their offices. I did meet with my cardiologist Friday. We went over a few things and ran some tests to compare to those in the hospital. Things are looking good.

There are still some unanswered questions BUT they have diagnosed me with an Autonamic Dysfuntion called Postural Tachycardia Syndrome. "The autonomic nervous system regulates unconscious body functions, including heart rate, blood pressure, temperature regulation, gastrointestinal secretion, and metobolic and endocrine responses to stress such as the "fight or flight" syndrome. As regulating these functions involves various and multiple organ systems, dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous systems encompass various and multiple disorders. Postural Tachycardia Syndrome is a condition in which an excessively reduced volume of blood returns to the heart after an individual stands up from a lying down position. The primary symptom of OI is lightheadedness or fainting. In POTS, the lightheadedness or fainting is also accompanied by a rapid increase in heartbeat of more than 30 beats per minute, or a heart rate that exceeds 120 beats per minute."

For me it is not just when I stand up. It is when I exert any energy. So basically when I exert energy, the nerve endings in my blood vessels and arteries constrict. All of the blood stays in my lower extremities causing my blood pressure to fall and my heart rate to increase. My medication has been adjusted again. The good thing is that my EEG came back normal and I don't have to worry about seizures in my future. The doctor's theory is that what looked like a seizure was actually a reaction to my low blood pressure. Before fainting or during, your body will shake. Since my blood pressure was 50/31, I had no oxygen within my muscles. I was so close to death with those levels that my body was shaking uncontrollably because of the lack of blood flow and oxygen. So things are finally starting to come together.

I have been feeling well throughout the day but I have been getting very sick at night. Now my heart rate is very low at points. I think it is a combination of the medicine and me overdoing it throughout the day. I still am not allowed to work out but I should be able to in a month. I talk to my cardiologist regularly and have an appointment this week. Also, after a month of being on this medication, I have to wear a heart monitor for 24 hours consecutively during normal activity to see if I have any palpitations and to get a better picture of how things are. I have to drink lots of liquids which is not a problem for me. I have actually been told by my urologist that I overwork my kidneys and I drink too much water. Who ever thought that is a problem? Anyway, now I have to have an excessive amount of salt in my diet (welcome bloating). Anyway, I have to drink water with salt in it! How gross is that? I don't mind salt on food but not really a fan of it in my water.

It's more comforting to have some answers.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The long detailed version of the story

I know I have my health problems here and there but I would otherwise like to think I live a pretty healthy lifestyle. I walk every day. I go to the gym and work out for two hours 3 days a week and go to Cardio Barre once or twice a week depending on scheduling. My weight characteristics (BMI, Muscle Mass, Fat %, weight) are all in range of an athlete level (excellent-the best level you can have). I'm energetic having to chase two toddlers around. I probably eat too much salt and carbs but that's it. I probably get too little sleep some days. And I have some stress in my life. Who doesn't? I had an EKG a few weeks ago when I was having chest pains and it came back normal. He said I had a healthy heart and I just had a bad case of acid reflux. So why did what happen last Sunday happen?

The story is long and I'm going to leave some stuff out but here is the summary. Sunday was a typical day here. Church then lunch, etc. My sister was flying in on Sunday to spend two weeks with us. I hadn't seen her in almost two years. Before lunch, I told Scott I just didn't feel right. He told me to sit down and he would make lunch. He said he would take the boys to the airport to pick up Lauren so I could rest and they would leave in 15-20 minutes. I sat down on the couch and I couldn't pinpoint what was wrong. Something just didn't feel right. From here, the story is foggy but I will tell it the best I can remember and what was told to me. My head was foggy and I felt like I was going to pass out. I couldn't figure out why I felt like I was going to pass out because I was sitting down not exerting any energy. Scott came in to check on me and then it happened. I told him something was wrong. I fell to my left and started seizing. My jaw was moving uncontrolled and my tongue was hanging out of my mouth. My right arm was twitching as well. Scott called 911. The fire department was the first to arrive. One fireman took the boys in the kitchen and played Monster Trucks with them. They were having a blast playing with their heroes. At this time, I started seizing again. The paramedics were here now. I couldn't answer all of their questions but the ones that I could talk through, I stuttered uncontrollably. It was as if I had absolutely no control over my body. I was put on the stretcher and escorted to the ambulance. On the way there, I passed the boys and I was aware enough to talk to them and tell them (with instruction) that "mommy is going to be ok. I will see you soon," (Not realizing this would be the last time I would see them for four days).

I was in the ambulance and I remember looking out the window and seeing several neighbors trying to get a peak of the newest gossip on the block. My resting heart rate was 170s at this time and the paramedic wanted to get it down. I had to do a syringe exercise to lower it. That is where you blow into the syringe to try to move it. I did this and my blood pressure bottomed out to 50/31. At this time, the paramedic put his hand on my arm and said, "Hun, I don't want to scare you but this is really bad." He got on his phone and was speaking to the emergency room telling them all my stats and that he had an urgent case coming in. He thought I had internal bleeding since my body went numb. He told me I was going to be ok but don’t be alarmed if I go into an emergency surgery. I got to the emergency room and there were so many people around me. I had another seizure there and my chart showed the same details (jaw moving uncontrolled with tongue moving in and out and right leg twitching). The head nurse said she thought I was not seizing because I didn't have incontinence. But the paramedics disagreed with her. This is still a debate and I should get my EEG read today to determine this. They stabilized my blood pressure in the emergency room and I was taken for a chest X-ray, 2 EKGs, a chest and head CT with contrast and a heart Echo. Everything came back "normal" with the exception of having some fluid around my heart. That wasn't a concern as it was just inflammation and could be fixed easily. My resting heart rate was still in the 170s range. I was admitted to the hospital at this point. My sister who was at the airport (not having a clue of what had just happened) just landed calling Scott telling him she was waiting outside. He was flustered and didn't have time to think to call anyone so he instructed her to take a taxi to Simi Valley Hospital and he would explain everything when she got there.

Everything from here on out is pretty boring. My blood pressure runs very low but my resting heart rate is very high. I haven't had any seizures since Sunday. I was basically on bed rest for almost 4 days. I had my blood drawn several times a day. I was hooked to IV lines and heart monitors. While sleeping, my heart raced at night and I would have to be woken up to relax. Every time I stood up to do anything, a nurse would come running into the room to see what I was doing because my heart rate would sky rocket. Therefore, I was not allowed to take a shower the entire time I was there. This did not make me happy! The boys were not allowed to visit because nobody was allowed to visit under the age of 16 because of flu season. After taking some new medicine, I was able to walk around the cardiac floor. I am 30 and I did not see anyone else admitted that looked younger than 80 on my floor. I knew my case was serious but it made me feel very blessed that I felt somewhat normal and not in the hospital feeling sick. Things could be worse.

I was assigned to a fantastic cardiologist. Everyone has told me he is the best in the West and he is virtually impossible to get. Basically nobody can figure out why all of this has happened to me. It is very possible that I have always had this condition but never had the symptoms to this degree. And now those symptoms have become hard to control. I am a "mystery fluke" as Dr. Soni would put it. Now is just trying to figure out how to control my heart rate without dropping my blood pressure anymore. Being basically on bed rest and having the stats that I did, I explained that once I get home, life is NOT like this. I have a 2 and 3 year old and relaxing is not an option.

Sometimes no news is good news. In this case being discharged and not knowing anything is not typically a discharge that one prefers. I was given two medications to take. One raises my blood pressure but brings down my heart rate. The other also lowers my heart rate but lowers my blood pressure as well. The nurses refused to follow doctor’s orders and give me the medicine to lower my blood pressure. But I'm supposed to take this at home by myself??? This is scary. I am happy that I am supposed to eat a lot of salt. I had to have the doctor repeat this several times for Scott as he always tells me I put too much salt on everything. :) Salt raises your blood pressure.

I'm home. I'm taking my medicine. My blood pressure is running on the low side but almost normal. It is 71/50 this morning. Normal are stats lower than 120/80.It is considered too low if either number falls below 80/60. My heart rate resting is 132. Normal resting heart rate is 84. I can be seen as outpatient now. I may have a lot of outpatient appointments but at-least I can be home with my family. Scott stayed with me during my stay so you can imagine how excited the boys were when they saw me. Now I'm concerned as to when I can go back to living a "normal" life. Working out is not an option for some time. Every time I stand up, I get extremely lightheaded and dizzy. My resting heart rate is in cardio level (as if I were running) right now so we wouldn't want to test what it would be if I exerted myself.

I have to plan now for the future. My biggest worry is this happening again when Scott is gone. What would have happened if this happened 20 minutes later on Sunday? I am scared since we don't know anything. Thank goodness my sister is here and what a blessing she was that we had someone to stay with the boys so Scott could be with me. And we are thankful that I am not home alone now. Our boys are too young to know what to do if this happens again. Now I have to come up with a plan of what to do once I don't have another adult here. I have been speaking to my neighbor who is a registered nurse whose specialty was in cardiothoracics but now is a stay at home mom. She suggested us checking in time several times a day. This is extremely hard for me to rely on others. We move around too much to establish good relationships with neighbors. I have learned to rely on myself too much and now I have to change that for the safety of our family.

I am very blessed to have wonderful family and friends. I most certainly thank God every day for what I have and my health. I believe in the power of prayer. I thank all of you who have prayed for us and we thank you for all the warm wishes we received. We still ask that you continue to pray for us. We pray that this medicine works and we figure out how to go back to living a normal, healthy, active lifestyle. And we pray the doctors figure all of this out. Thank you!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cool Sundays

It was only 66 degrees here today. I heard Missouri had warmer weather than us today! We have been taking it easy today. We went to church. I stayed after to do my Treasurer duties. I don't think I mentioned this before. We have gotten more involved this year at church. I was elected the Church Treasurer and am also on Council. I also volunteered to be a church delegate for the ELCA Synod Assembly. I am the chair of the Nursery Committee and Scott is on the Evangelism Committee and we are in charge of church supplies. Whew! That's a lot, huh?

After I got home, Scott mowed the grass as we played around. Aren't they so cool in their new sunglasses?
He just loves the camera!
The ice cream man drove up our street and I had to stop him for a treat. The boys were super excited to chose anything they wanted from a picture :) Oh the little things in life :)
We also want to congratulate our good friends from Utah, The Bryants, on their new arrival this morning. Scott and Trent went to High School together and we ended up living by each other in Utah-ironic, huh? They had a sweet baby boy this morning. Congratulations Trent, Alix, Juliet and Isaac!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Favorite picture

I just wanted to post one of my favorite pictures from Grandma Archer's visit. Again, I took it with my phone so the quality isn't great but it was a fun moment to capture.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Time Out

Doesn't he just look pitiful?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Grandma's trip

Hanging out with Grandma Archer this week. Harry has become a real "grandma's boy." And he loves the word Grandma the most I think. I gave in and took the boys to get their hair cuts yesterday. I am still going to let Harry grow his hair out for summer so I just had his trimmed. I didn't know if Will could pull off the surfer look as well as Harry does, so I let him go back to the faux hawk. He looks good. Harry always has such a serious look on his face.
The after shot. Today we colored in the driveway. They loved that but got mad at Belle for walking over their art work.

Check out Harry. He loves wearing his cowboy boots (just like Will used to).
Tired and snuggling up to Grandma last night. A trip to Lowes last night. Yes, they will be into NASCAR but not Jimmie Johnson fans. :)
Sorry most of these pictures are from my phone so the quality isn't that great.