This weekend should be really nice. We have some plans for Sunday (more to post on that later-I will keep you in suspense). I hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Harrison's First "Well" Baby visit
This weekend should be really nice. We have some plans for Sunday (more to post on that later-I will keep you in suspense). I hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
"Bye Bye GuPa, GuPa and Auntie"
Here is a picture from this morning with Great GuPa as it was the last wagon ride to the park. The boys have been spoiled and are going to have a hard time tomorrow when they don't get to play with Great Gupa, Gupa and Auntie. Thanks for coming and we definitely miss you already!!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy Birthday Harrison!!!
January 27th, 2008
Monday, January 26, 2009
"Montey's hungry"
William loves his wagon and Great Grandpa loves to take walks so the two (three if Harrison joins) are perfect.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Harrison update
Monday, January 19, 2009
Poor Little Harrison....
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Willliam!

What a difference each year makes! The past two years have been the most rewarding years of mine and Scott's lives. Starting a family together is everything and more than I ever dreamed of.
Today Scott made William's favorite breakfast, pancakes and bacon. Then we headed to Burbank to Kids Castle. It is a bigger version of a ChuckECheese. We had a lot of fun and the boys were so tired afterwards. William played a lot of the big boy games. This evening we had cake and ice cream and opened presents. We had to make an emergency run last night to get a new present for William. The last three days all he could talk about was basketball. Of-course we had to get him a basketball and basket.
William weighs 29lbs and is 35.5 inches tall. There is an old wives tale that your height on your 2nd birthday is half of your adult height. That means he will be 5'11". He is a very affectionate and caring little boy. He has to give everyone a hug and kiss when they wake up and when it is time for bed. This includes Miss Belle. The nurses at the hospital thought it was cute when Harrison came out of recovery William ran up to him and gave him a kiss and hug without anyone asking. William amazes me everyday with all he is learning. I can go on all day about him.
I love you little William and regardless of your age, you will always be my little baby. Happy Birthday!
Friday, January 16, 2009
There's a new way to eat around here
And now for the clean up............Ugh!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Harrison's surgery
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Santa Susana Depot
He has another double ear infection right now (shock)! I can't wait for him to feel normal. I can't believe the difference a state makes. I feel like my dad complaining about money all of the time but seriously, it costs so much money to live in California. It is ridiculous. Everything is significantly more expensive. Grocery shopping is terrible. Anyway my point being is that not even one year ago we paid for the same surgery for William. His cost $1700 in Utah. Harrison's cost over $7000. That is before insurance of-course but still. Why such the big difference?!!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Clever little boy
Friday, January 2, 2009
Harrison's first haircut
Breaking of the Pacifier
2008 had its ups and downs for us. Scott's grandmother passed away. William suffered second and third degree burns. We lived apart for two months during our relocation. Harrison has suffered countless ear infections (over 15). But on the other hand, we brought a new life into the world. Scott was promoted. We get to experience different parts of the country by moving. We get to watch our children develop their personalities.
I look forward to 2009. I look forward to Harrison getting his tubes on the 15th. He is going to be so much better without all of the pain he feels and doesn't know that is not how life is supposed to be. I get to potty train William. I know that will be tough but it will be nice only having to buy diapers for one. And we get to save on formula since Harrison will move over to cow's milk next month. Anywhere we can save money will be great. William is almost broke of the pacifier. We had him almost broke in September but then he had his burn and we gave it back to him. He had gotten so attached to it that he would cry for it during dinner time and we knew it was time to say bye bye to it. We have a little trick and he is pretty much broke of it now. I will post the trick because you will have to see a picture of it. What else? I am just excited for 2009 and hope everyone has a great year!