Sunday, November 30, 2008
One of those nights...
I don't know what it is but it is going to be one of those nights. Harrison has been waking up every 20-30 minutes since he went to bed and William has already woke up 3 times. I just finished rocking Harrison asleep again and went to check on William and Scott. This is what I found...
Well at-least he's sleeping :)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Gobble Gobble
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Boys will be boys
I can't stop laughing at what just happened. I was in my room getting ready for the day and I heard the boys laughing really hard from William's room. William's door was closed and when I opened it, I came across two young boys dancing naked! And I was not the one that stripped them down. I caught a 22 month old red handed with two diapers in his hand laughing and turning in circles. William turned on his CD player but I guess thought it would be more fun to dance naked. Here is the aftermath as I obviously can't post completely naked pictures. 
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Every night we read three books to the boys before bedtime. They get to chose two and then the last one we read is always "Good Night Moon" by Margaret Wise Brown. We started reading this book to William when he was in the womb and we have continued every night since. William will always chose this book as his third. Tonight we got home late so we told him he could only pick out two books since it was passed his bedtime. First we read the "ABC Book" by Dr. Seuss and then we started reading "Good Night Moon." Well William was not ready for "Good Night Moon." He got down "Good night Bob" (a Bob the Builder book) and kept saying "Bob." The longer we kept reading "Good Night Moon, " the louder "Bob!" got. He thought we couldn't hear him because he got right in Scott's face and pointed to Bob on each page of the book and would yell Bob's name. I am sure you had to be here but it was pretty funny how determined he was to get us to read that book to him. He knows all of the characters..Bob, Pilchard, Muck, Roley, Lofty, Dizzy, etc. So as we read it to him we ask him to tell us who is on each page. We will also ask him where an object is (shoes, hat, cup, etc). Well Scott gets a kick out of how Will pronounces some words especially shoe. When Will says shoe, it sounds like he is clearing his throat. So of-course every page we turned, Scott asks William where Bob's shoes are.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Break's over
This past week has been good. Harrison has actually been taking naps during the day!!! This is big for him since he doesn't like to sleep. I should have known yesterday when pulling up to the doctor's office (to get Will's stitches removed) that the break would soon be over. Of-course there was construction at the doctor's office and I had to park 3 blocks away. I had to carry both boys for 3 blocks (Will wouldn't walk) and I have a torn tendon and damaged nerve in my right arm. This should have been my sign. Anyway, it turns out that Harrison has yet ANOTHER double ear infection. I have lost count on this little guy. I feel so bad for him. No wonder he never wants to drink a bottle or sleep. He is less than 10 months old and has had back to back ear infections for the past 5 months. Last week he got a clean bill of health and he just got off of 3 back to back rounds of antibiotics and now he is back on them again. William started walking the day after he had tubes in his ears. His doctor said that because of his hearing being bad because of ear infections and his equilibrium being off, he didn't have the balance. Now I am wondering if poor little Harrison is going to be the same way. He has been walking holding on for some time now but hasn't walked on his own. He's in good spirits and a happy baby despite his ears. He can't have surgery until he can go two weeks without an ear infection. He hasn't done that. And now his doctor wants to wait until he is at-least one to get tubes. I usually am not for surgery on a baby but William has not had one ear infection since he got them so they proved to be very beneficial. I feel so bad for Harrison to have to live in pain like he does.
On another note, it has finally cooled down this week (mid 80s) and next week should be in the lower 80s. I am so ready for a change of season. It's hard to believe it is almost Thanksgiving with this heat.
On another note, it has finally cooled down this week (mid 80s) and next week should be in the lower 80s. I am so ready for a change of season. It's hard to believe it is almost Thanksgiving with this heat.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Back to the E.R...again.
I think William is trying to get a membership at the local hospital. They know him by name there. My baby boy got his first set of stitches tonight. No good story like learning to ride a bike or anything like that. He just tripped over his own two feet and hit the corner of the wall. His back was to me so I didn't think it was bad at all when he started crying...until he turned around. He freaked me out. As soon as he turned around, blood was pouring down his little face. As a parent, it is a very scary thing to see and not control. I learned that anywhere above the neck bleeds fast. He had a pretty deep gash but he is ok. Just a couple stitches and we got to go home. Oh and we learned he is allergic to plastic medical tape tonight. 
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Play date at the park
I took the boys to the park this morning to play with their new friend, Ian. They are a great time. William was sweating from running so hard. It ended up being a lot hotter than I thought it would be.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I love being a mom!
Now do I love waking up at 5am every morning because Harrison wakes up at that time for the day? No. Do I like force feeding him his bottle because he hates to drink? No. Do I like fighting with him to take a nap? No. But those things are nothing compared to the sounds of him waking up, "ahhh, cooo, daddda, gully. glllll." Nothing to his constant ambition to learn something new. Nothing to his fabulous loud laugh.
I love that yesterday when Will woke up, Harrison went up to his bed and started playing peekaboo with him. Both boys were laughing hysterically. I truly believe the sound of laughter is one of the best sounds on earth. I love that when I was putting clothes away yesterday William jumped out of the closet and yelled, "raaaa!" And yes, he scared me but it was so funny. And I absolutely love that as I was tucking myself into bed last night, I found a little shoe under my covers. I have mentioned this before and I will again. William has the biggest show fetish and he is so funny about it. He has to put them away neatly and he makes sure everyone is wearing shoes from sunrise to sunset. If you aren't, he will bring you a pair and insist you wear them. He is particular about putting his shoes in the right place so to find ONE shoe, not a pair, in my bed last night made me smile.
I love that yesterday when Will woke up, Harrison went up to his bed and started playing peekaboo with him. Both boys were laughing hysterically. I truly believe the sound of laughter is one of the best sounds on earth. I love that when I was putting clothes away yesterday William jumped out of the closet and yelled, "raaaa!" And yes, he scared me but it was so funny. And I absolutely love that as I was tucking myself into bed last night, I found a little shoe under my covers. I have mentioned this before and I will again. William has the biggest show fetish and he is so funny about it. He has to put them away neatly and he makes sure everyone is wearing shoes from sunrise to sunset. If you aren't, he will bring you a pair and insist you wear them. He is particular about putting his shoes in the right place so to find ONE shoe, not a pair, in my bed last night made me smile.
These are just some of the little moments why I love being a mom.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Why it costs more to live in California..
Well my gadget didn't stick but it was 86 degrees and sunny today.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
My favorite moment today
Harrison just woke up from his huge 20 minute nap. Will was playing in his room. I brought Harrison into Will's room and laid him down on their Thomas the Train couch that folds out into a sofa bed while I got a drink from the kitchen. When I came back they were both sitting together enjoying time together. Then, for no reason at all, Will kissed Harrison and gave him his pacifier. Moments like these are the best.
"Change has come to America"
Yes, that is right. Everyone has their opinion and I do not like discussing/debating religion or politics because they are strong diverse issues. But this is my blog and I will only say this once. I do not agree with disrespecting a president as it is a reflection upon our country. But, on the other hand, he isn't president until January 20th!
Obviously I voted for McCain. I think most of us knew what the outcome of last night was going to be but the actualization of it happening is just sickening to me. Did they play the National Anthem last night when Obama made his speech? And was his hand over his heart? I honestly didn't watch the end of his speech so I don't know. How many presidents have not served our country? 11. And of-course Obama will be number 12. Shouldn't that be a requirement for running for President? Ok, I am not going to blog all day about this because I haven't even touched any issues or what is going to come to this country. You wanted change? You will get it. I know there are readers that disagree with my opinion and I respect that. We can talk again in a year when you say, "what did I do?"
Obviously I voted for McCain. I think most of us knew what the outcome of last night was going to be but the actualization of it happening is just sickening to me. Did they play the National Anthem last night when Obama made his speech? And was his hand over his heart? I honestly didn't watch the end of his speech so I don't know. How many presidents have not served our country? 11. And of-course Obama will be number 12. Shouldn't that be a requirement for running for President? Ok, I am not going to blog all day about this because I haven't even touched any issues or what is going to come to this country. You wanted change? You will get it. I know there are readers that disagree with my opinion and I respect that. We can talk again in a year when you say, "what did I do?"
Monday, November 3, 2008
These Californians crack me up
So the weather has gone from the high 90's last week to the high 60's this week. And I guess that means it feels like winter time here. It is so funny to me because we were taking a walk this morning and we saw a woman walking her dog. She was wearing a winter coat and a scarf! Now come on, a scarf! I had a t-shirt on and was hot in the sun. We saw another woman walking two dogs and she had Uggs and a heavy sweater on. How would they handle an ice storm in Missouri or a snow storm in Utah?
I will say it is refreshing to see a different season finally. Since we have lived here, it has rained twice. The first time was just mist and not even measurable. Saturday was absolutely beautiful here. It stormed and the rain came down so heavy. There was even thunder. It made me appreciate the rain so much when you hardly ever get to experience it.
I will say it is refreshing to see a different season finally. Since we have lived here, it has rained twice. The first time was just mist and not even measurable. Saturday was absolutely beautiful here. It stormed and the rain came down so heavy. There was even thunder. It made me appreciate the rain so much when you hardly ever get to experience it.
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