Sunday, March 30, 2008
Bye Bye Aunties

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter from the Archers

HI!!!! Happy Easter. Scott's sisters are in town and we love having them around. Yesterday Scott and I had a great day. It was a much needed day of just us spending time by ourselves. First we went skiing and then out to dinner. It was really fun. Today we all went to church and the boys did really well. Us girls decorated Easter eggs and are waiting for William to wake up from his nap to have an egg hunt. Scott and Harrison took their usual Sunday nap together while we decorated. I have attached some pictures of skiing, William with his basket, Harrison in his basket (he is so tiny), a family picture and some artistic egg pictures. Look at Harrison's outfit (his feet) in his picture. And in Will's, look at the background--Miss Belle was feeling left out. I hope everyone is doing well and we will speak with you soon.
Happy Easter
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Picture Perfect

I thought it was pretty quiet this morning when I was playing with William. I went in to check on the boys and I found them both sleeping on the bed. I snapped a good picture of-course and Scott had no idea :) The other picture is of me trying to clean the house yesterday. As you can tell, no luck there but it did finally get cleaned when they went down for their naps.
Well big news......(No I am not pregnant!)!! That seems to be the first question I get if I ever say I have big news. And what is even funnier is that I had to go to the hospital for an ultrasound yesterday. I have been having really bad stomach pains for the last few weeks and they are getting worse. Anyway, I wasn't thinking about it but anytime I mentioned to someone I had to get an ultrasound this weekend, they questioned why :) I can tell everyone that we WILL be waiting for child #3. At-least we are going to try to wait for child #3. I know we are very fertile so we are trying to be very careful to not drink the Utah water. Anyway, onto the big news I mentioned......BYE BYE INDYMAC!!!!! I got the official call on Friday that they are terminating me. My last day is May 15th although I am laid off as of March 14th. They have to give 60 days notice per the WARN act. It is bittersweet. I didn't think I would end up going back to work anyway but now we know for sure that I won't be. Most everyone knows that the mortgage industry has been pretty bad lately. I got lucky by making it as long as I did. They have been laying off a ton of people in the last year. The last layoff was right before my leave and they got rid of my whole division and the managers. I was one of a couple that was asked to stay but had no idea what I would be doing. I worked for Indymac for almost 5 years. It was very stressful at times but I do have to say that it was a great company to work for. They were really good to me and I made some of the best friendships there. But now I can focus all of my time on my boys and I am so happy to be a stay at home mom.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Enjoy the weather while it lasts

For those of you wondering, the first picture (yellow background) is of William at 3.5 weeks old and the second (purple background) is of Harrison at 5 weeks old. It amazes me how much they look alike. I can certainly dress them up as twins once Harrison gets bigger :)
We have had a fun week. It has been nice outside so we have enjoyed playing outside and taking some walks. We have a new stroller and boy is it a monster. I am so used to the single stroller that this new one seems so huge. I have attached some pictures so you can see the boys in action. William is still in love with his brother. He gives him hugs and kisses all of the time. Harrison gets more kisses than Scott and I do. I hope it stays this way but I am sure the rivalry stage will come as soon as Harrison can steal William's toys.
William is in a screaming stage right now and I do NOT like it. his screams are so high pitched it hurts your ears. And he has mommy tied right around his little finger. As soon as I tell him no or to stop, he leans in to give me a kiss. The kid is smart.
I am no longer a blonde. It is hard to imagine since that is all I have ever been. My hair is now an auburn with strawberry blonde highlights. It is hard to get used to but I think I will go back to blonde this summer. I attached a picture of William sliding and you can kind of see the color in that picture. I also caught a picture this morning of Harrison smiling.
We have had a fun week. It has been nice outside so we have enjoyed playing outside and taking some walks. We have a new stroller and boy is it a monster. I am so used to the single stroller that this new one seems so huge. I have attached some pictures so you can see the boys in action. William is still in love with his brother. He gives him hugs and kisses all of the time. Harrison gets more kisses than Scott and I do. I hope it stays this way but I am sure the rivalry stage will come as soon as Harrison can steal William's toys.
William is in a screaming stage right now and I do NOT like it. his screams are so high pitched it hurts your ears. And he has mommy tied right around his little finger. As soon as I tell him no or to stop, he leans in to give me a kiss. The kid is smart.
I am no longer a blonde. It is hard to imagine since that is all I have ever been. My hair is now an auburn with strawberry blonde highlights. It is hard to get used to but I think I will go back to blonde this summer. I attached a picture of William sliding and you can kind of see the color in that picture. I also caught a picture this morning of Harrison smiling.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Brotherly love

Here is a video of William giving Harrison kisses. He gives Harrison an average of 30 kisses a day- no joke. Although yesterday he had a love/hate relationship with him. He would give him a kiss or hold him in his lap and then push him away. The worst was he threw a ball at his head and made him cry. Once Harrison started crying, he kissed him to make him stop.
Today William had a play date with Juliet and Kenso. Since I had Harrison, I pulled Will out of daycare and he hasn't spent much time with children his own age. It was nice for him to get out of the house and play. And he had such a good time. Juliet has some really fun toys- a ball pit, a tunnel and a slide. Harrison just relaxed while the three of them played :)
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