Here is a video of William dancing. Kara bought Harrison a bear but William has been playing with it non-stop. I am afraid he is going to think his name is Harrison :) It is really funny because he will push the bear's belly until the song comes on so he can dance. He plays with it for hours.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Happy one month birthday Harrison

It is so hard to believe that Harrison is already one month old. This month has flown by. It feels like we just left the hospital. I have learned how to multi-task with the two babies although it would be nice if I could figure how to get them both to nap at the same time so I could take one too:)
I feel so blessed to have these baby boys and such a great husband. I knew it would be hard raising two boys so close in age together but it is so rewarding to wake up to them each day. I thank God every day for the life I have and the blessings he has bestowed upon us.
Scott is in Las Vegas this week for work. It is hard without him here but I told him to enjoy the time away and take advantage of a full nights sleep each night. I have awesome friends that have been bringing dinner each night he has been gone and I can't tell you how much I appreciate them for this. It has saved me time making dinner and honestly I don't know where I would have found the time between taking care of the boys, Miss Belle and the house.
Happy one month birthday Harrison!!!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Child Prodigy???
Maybe not but he is strong! I thought it was by accident the first two times Harrison rolled over since he is only a few weeks old. But now that he has done it 6 times, I know he is just super strong. I have him on tummy time right now while I am on the computer and he has already rolled over two more times. He can roll to his side really easy. He has done that about a dozen times but has managed to roll completely over 6 times. It amazes me. But it scares me at the same time since he is so young.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Bye Bye Grandma

Well Grandma Archer left today. William is going to be sad to lose his playing partner. We are all sad to see her leave. Uncle Brian comes tomorrow. William thinks everyone is coming to play with him. I hope he isn't too confused next week when nobody new comes and it is just us.
Miss Belle plays with William more each day. Attached is a picture of them playing with his rubber ducky. Also, I attached a picture of my little bear. Scott doesn't like his boys to wear anything with ears so I dress them up when he is at work :)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Getting old?

So last night Scott and I got out of the house to attend the Farmer's Life Gala event. It was fun. A nice dinner and awards presentation followed by "dancing." Now this is where I wonder if we are getting old or if it is just the genre of music they played because of the age group of people there. I wondered this as they played The Love Shack and Back in Black. :) It wasn't until later in the night that the DJ realized that even the older crowd likes what is popular now. It was fun though to watch people do the Roger Rabit and break dance. Now not drinking for almost two years has its advantages. A glass of wine with dinner can make you a bit more outgoing. Scott and I hit the dance floor and I got the title of "Dancing Queen." The guys complemented Scott for having a wife that "gets her groove on" two weeks after having a baby. All impressed. Scott's remarks back each time was "that is how we roll from Missouri." Again, we haven't gotten out much :) Ha. It is funny though how different the events from Missouri are from Utah. I could seriously count on both hands how many people were drinking. The bar tab couldn't have been too expensive. We stayed at a really nice resort as Scott's parents took on the responsibility of watching both boys. But of-course I couldn't enjoy myself at the resort or take advantage of having the opportunity to sleep 8 hours straight without any interruptions. I tried and tried and finally at 3am I woke Scott up and said I had to go home to my babies.
I wanted to attach a picture of Miss Belle. She was the same way with William when he was an infant. Always having to be around him and protect him. While we were gone last night, she watched over Harrison and slept on our bed watching him in the basinet. Here is a picture from today of her watching him on tummy time.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
This can be done....right?

This can be done...right? Being a stay at home mom watching an infant and a toddler by myself? Both boys took a nap at the same time today which was really nice. But they both woke up at the same time hungry. So how do you bottle feed two babies at once? I laid Harrison in my lap and Will sat next to me. Yes, one would think that William should be able to give himself a bottle but he has aligator arms. He has trouble lifting the bottle up. And Miss Belle laid next to us wanting to be petted at that same time. I have to say that I am pretty talented :)
So William likes to chase Miss Belle around the house. He runs after her. Well she out ran him the other night and he fell in the kitchen and bumped his head on a drawer knob. It swelled up like a goose egg. My poor baby! Look close at the picture. You can see his bruise right between the eyes.
My other baby, Harrison, is a genius. He is only two weeks old and he has rolled over twice. Once from his back to stomach (which I thought may be an accident) but the next day he rolled from his stomach to his back. He was on "tummy time" and didn't want to be.
I hope everyone has a fantastic Valentine's Day. I have everything I could ever want in life with a wonderful husband and two beautiful boys.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Back to work :(

Well it has been a nice two weeks of family time. Now Scott has to go back to work tomorrow morning and I am sad. Partly because of his amazing fathering skills. He is so helpful to me and the boys. It has been so nice having him around 24/7 to help with both boys. And partly because of the family time. It was so nice to not have any obligations to anyone and just spend time together getting to know Harrison and bonding as a family.
Scott's parents fly in tonight and we are excited for them to meet Harrison and see all of William's new accomplishments. My parents call nearly every day to talk to William. They miss him so much. They miss Harrison too of-course.
I was looking at a scrap book of William last night. I swear my boys are going to look like twins in a few years. There were baby pictures of William that look exactly like Harrison now. It is going to be so much fun with the two of them.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Ahh Parenthood

Harrison is a very strong baby. He is only one week old and already trying to hold his head up to look around. Every day, he looks more and more like his brother, William. Well besides the hair. Harrison has more hair now than William does.

When Grandpa Payne first got here, William was deathly afraid of him. I think it is the mustache. After an hour he was done with the screaming though. Now they are inseperable. "Pa Pa Pa" has taught William a few things (waving, making funny noises with his mouth, etc). William also started calling him "Pa Pa Pa." Grandpa and Grandma Payne leave today and I think William is going to have a really hard time with them leaving. He really enjoyed playing with Nana and being Pa Pa's right hand man. It is so nice to have family here but it is really hard once they leave. We love living in Utah but we miss Missouri so much at times like these. And no we will not be having another child next January as an excuse to get family to visit :)
Friday, February 1, 2008
My Three Boys!

It has been an exciting few days home. William pretty much just ignores Harrison. Although tonight was the first time he gave his little brother a kiss good-night. It was so cute!!!!
I snapped a picture of Harrison with his binky. He is opposite of William. He doesn't care for them at all. It is about the only time he has kept it in his mouth. I should be thankful. Harrison is a quiet baby too. He doesn't cry much at all. And he is very sneaky about his diapers. He always waits for us to start changing him before he decides to wet or dirty them. We will even put it back on and wait a few minutes and he will wait too! :)
Grandpa and Grandma Payne are in town. William is absolutely in love with his Grandpa. He always talks to him and gives him more kisses than Scott or I. Grandma made beef ribs for dinner tonight and as you can tell, Will went to town :) All is well in the Archer household. We are trying to get used to two babies and it is really fun but I have never been so sleep deprived. Hope everyone is doing well.
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